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The "OLDI PP Cup" tournament series sponsored by OLDI are constantly developing. The audience is growing and all the best russian and CIS players already enjoyed the tournament.
The next step in the development of the best russian online WarCraft III tournament is the new prize-pool. Now it's not only the winner who gets 200 euro but it is 85 euro for the runner-up! These nice changes will apply immediately from now and will concern tomorrow's OLDI PP Cup #6.
Moreover there will be the first Counter-Strike 2vs2 tournament this Sunday. More likely it will start the new series of tournaments sponsored by OLDI in this most popular nomination. The rules for this tournament will be published soon. By the way the changes in the prize-pool will apply to the Counter-Strike tournament as well - besides 200 euro for the first place there will be 85 euro for the runner-up.
We hope to see even more fans and participants on OLDI PP Cup, so we're looking forward for you sign-ups!
by dark_Xeon
A couple of days ago the mix-team KPOBb won the ticket to the Seattle. Here you can read the official statement from the manager and the coach of the Virtus.Pro project:
Groove: We are pleased to announce two new members in our Counter-Strike squad - they are talanted Ukrainian players Ioann <Edward> Sukharev and Daniil <Zeus> Teslenko have been played in the pro100 team before.
The Counter-Strike squad of the Virtus.Pro project now looks as folows:
Pikiner Constantin - Konstantin P. <groove>
Kolesnikov Aleksey - Aleksey K. <LeX>
Filimonchencko Viktor - Viktor F. <Sally>
Makarov Roman - Roman M. <ROMJkE>
Sukharev Ioann - Ioan S. <Edward>
Teslenko Daniil - Danil T. <Zeus>
Groove: In the end i want to comment our performance at WCG Russia. Unfortunately, we could't play with our new lineup because only citizens Russian Federation allowed to participate in that tournament. That's why we offer Victor Moskvin aka <Mosk> and Vladimir Perevolotskiy aka <Tarlund> to join our team named "KPOBb" at WCG Russia. The name of our team at WCG Finals is "Virtus.Russia". I must admit that we won't go to WCG as "tourists" and we are going to prepare for this event.
The lineup of Virtus.Russia at WCG Finals:
Russian WCG Preliminary has finished. Tons of players came to Moscow to fight for the spot in the Grand Finals and for good prizemoney. After three days of battles against each other all Russian resepresentatives for WCG 2007 has been determined. If you want to see more about each game follow the links. There were a big suprise in Warcraft 3 because Deadman was eliminated in quarterfinals and Swift, who wasn't well known in Russia until now, took one of the spots. The rest of the spots were distributed among the best russian gamers. You can find all those lucky ones by folowing the "Read more" link .
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