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    WCG Seattle in judge's eyes Author: SEKTOR PRIZ NA BARABANE @ 30.10 22:47 Comments: 0    

I will speak in a roundabout way. By the time I've been thinking over what to write for my diary on Proplay, I've come to a conclusion that I should speak only about the third unfortunate day, the play-off day, where I was anyhow involved at once in the two most sensational scandals of the WCG. I mean games Norway - Korea and Russia - USA.

I'll start with the first match and tell you what had happened in reality. Glad Norwegians barge into the gaming zone a bit later than Koreans and I, as the judge assigned to team Norway, had to raise my voice, but REAL took out his guys from a crowd of chatting Scandinavians. Mates sat down at once, without any problems in about five minutes set all the options and stared at me with questioned faces. "Oh God! What a pleasure to work with professionals. They do everything in silence, quickly and without questions." - thought I, remembering my Greeks and Macedonians in the first and second days of the competition. Although it's a sin to complain of team Macedonia - the guys played calmly and without any remarks, that was really surprising. Attentively examined their devices for own satisfaction and started the CS, I began looking for the enemy. It turned out a team of five guys who looked like monkeys from the cartoon. By the way, there was monkey-mother in the cartoon and we could see her here too - the team-leader, who diligently defended the interests of the team from Samsung's and Boxer's motherland. It was a great pleasure that the other Russian-speaking judge from Latvia - Banshi was looking after the Asians. There were no doubts that we will find the understanding. The game began.

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