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    Interview with iP.Fast Author: Lonely @ 17.08 19:06 Comments: 0    

Today we are ready to present you a new interview. It was done by our reader Vassemann and translated by Proplay staff from Russian into English. IP.Fast is known as a leading manager of the incredible Panic team which has several gaming squads. In that article Fast talks about his life, his career manager career and opens the secrets of iP Gaming.

Hi, Fast. Introduce yourself to our readers: what is your name, how old are you, where do you live?

Hi, my name is Alexander Zdunkevich, 21 years old, I live in Belorussia and I'm the head manager in the incredible Panic team (iP).

When did you get into e-sports and what was the first experience?

It's all started with Quake 3 several years ago. I didn't remember how this game appeared on my PC, but I liked it and completed the whole campaign, I liked to play on the map with tons of bots. But when my brother came to my home and showed how the professionals played it, I liked it even more. Sadly, soon I had to switch to UT2003, which I liked less. I placed 2nd in my Republic for two times cause almost nobody played it.

So do you prefer FPS games?

It was this way before, now i like Warcraft 3 more.

How and when the idea of creating the ip-Gaming project appeared?

It appeared when i was still playing and practising. I had the team named Bql, but unfortunately it consisted of low skilled players. And I was practicing with good players. They didn't want to join my team so we created new one together. We played UT2004 back then.

Who was in the team at the very beginning and what it looked like in the first months of existence?

The most interesting fact the team was named iP but it meant nothing, we even hadn't our own site. Only after a few months when we decided to take this serious and added CS and WC3 squads one of our members invented this name for the team.

Managing this project is your main job, isn't it?

It isn't, I work as an assistant of the custom firm owner.

With time iP Gaming has became a multigaming organization. What discipline became the second and why did you choose this game?

You know that Quake 3 is well developed in our country. We couldn't practise in UT2003-2004 every day. Most of us liked Quake 3 more, that's why we created new squad.

What happened to Q3 and CS squads?

Most of the players moved to different countries. Frol became a religiuos, and we couldn't get him out of there. Rest of the players got bored. That's about Quake 3 team, while the CS squad didn't live even for 2 months. Maybe in the future we'll make a new CS-team, but there is no candidates for this role in our country.

You bought the whole Russian WC3 and SC teams in the past. Why wouldn't you do the same thing with CS team?

I think that a good CS team needs more money than a good WC3 team. And to my mind it will be better if this team will be Belorussian. The question about our new sponsor is decided now, that's why you will see a new international iP Gaming counter-strike team in the near future. =)

Well, that sounds nice. What is your job in the project? Describe your day schedule.

Well my job changes every day. That's why there is no determined schedule. But I have to constantly discuss with our sponsors and also with the managers of each squad. Of course, I monitor all the results of our team.

Have you achieved some results in WC3 as a progamer?

No, I play only for interest. But I still take part in tournaments.

Judging by your age, you are studying right now, aren't you?

Yes, I graduated the college and now I'm studying in the University of Economics.

Do you fond of something besides cybersport?

Yes, I play poker and make business in that sphere.

Do you consider yourself as a good player?

Well, money won in poker would have been enough for me, but I prefer to do something more interesting and valuable.

Do you play other games, for example, Online RPG's such as WoW and Lineage?

No. I tried to play Lineage and achieved 22 lvl but understood that it was just a waste of time and that's not as interesring such as Warcraft 3.

What do your parents think about your work in cybersport?

As first they didn't understand my hobby, but when i started to earn more money then both of my parents, they decided not to touch me and not to disturb me when I'm at the PC. =)

Are you fond of sports?

Well, no. Sometimes I play football if there is someone to play with.

Does iP Gaming plan to open a new squad, let's say, for NFS?

No, we haven't thought about it. Actually, we didn't want to create the DotA squad, but we were offered and we agreed.

Tell more about iP Gaming managers.

Mouse has became a second manager. He has been in the team for a long time and we have achieved not bad results. But, infortunately, he is too young and needs to explain everything to him, although he has done a lot for the clan. A couple of months ago we bought the Redcode-XFi WC3 squad which gave more fame to our team. Hunter, the manager of that squad, is very experienced and has a lot of contacts. He is one of the few who knows Moon's or Sky's salaries =). I can't talk much about others because I dont talk with them much.

Are you satisfied with your team results?

Depends on the squad. For example, I am not satisfied with iP.Belorussia Warcraft team. Others perform well i guess.

What goals are your teams aimed for?

For iP.International it is necessary to be qualified to the next WC3L season. And our new squad can make it. Belorussian squad has to win or at least be placed in top 3 at the NPL League, and then qualify for TFL and TGL. Starcraft squad should continue winning every European league. They do it well. And would be nice for the football players to occupy 1-3 places in ESL rating. =)

Ok. Were there any moments when you was dissapointed in your project and wanted to close it?

Yes, that happened not so long ago. About a one month ago when sponsors rejected to pay their money, besides that iP.International needed just a little to qualify for NGL One and the WC3L qualification grid brought me down. All in all it happened in one moment. Thanks to god I was persuaded not to do this and now I don't regret about it.

What partners and sponsors does you project has at the moment?

It is too early to talk about that. The name of the sponsor will be announced in 3-4 days, maybe even today. But we are still partially sponsored by iP-Poker, Pokernews and others.

When your squads looses how do you deal with it?

I try not to press on the managers and players, because they know by themselves it is bad to lose. Sure it is dissaointing when one of my teams looses but I try not to show it.

Who in your opinion is the most outstaning gamer in the whole e-sports history?

Probably, Cooller is. =)

And the person who has done the most for cybersport?

The general director of the Samsung Company, sorry, but I don't know his name.

The most significant tournament?


By the way how the Belorussian WCG Qualification was held?

All was well organized exept Warcraft3. The organizers which were represented by the SNG organisation are going to develop only Counter-Strike in our country, and they have done it very bad for now, and they don't want to dicsuss cause they think the only professional team in the country consists of kids which unterstand nothing.

Your advice to the beginning managers.

I don't really know. Maybe the most importang thing is to make a structure where everyone knows what he must do. Also is important to learn how to make sponsors be interested in your project.

Did you have difficulties in the very beginning of the project?

I didn't for sure, because I had and have the business I like.

How do you motivate yourself to continue managing of the cybersport team?

That means many acquantancies and not bad source to earn money. The far you go the more you get.

What plans does the team has for the future?

Winning in WC3L and NGL in Warcraft 3. The same for the rest of the players. =)

Well, let's finish up our conversation, thank you for your time. Something in conclusion?

Good luck everyone!

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