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    #1   stel @ 18.04.08 13:22 [пожаловаться]   
Need For Speed™: ProStreet
q Game Version : Need For Speed™: ProStreet
q Operation System: Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
q USK(German software rating): Age 6+
џ Anyone born after Nov.6th, 2002 will not be allowed entry to the GF
џ Due to strict gaming laws in Germany, participants who do not meet the USK age restrictions will not be allowed entry to the Grand Final under any circumstances. However, SP may allow underage players to compete in the National Championships at their discretion.
q General
џ Competition Mode: 1 vs. 1
џ Host, client will be announced before the match or decided by coin toss.
џ At the end of each match, players must maintain the final screens and receive confirmation from a referee.
џ Winning a race: The winner of a race is the first player to complete 5 laps of the circuit course and cross the finish line.
џ WCG may install third party program and/or join as an observer for tournament operations purposes, such as verifying match results or gathering match data
џ The participants must have their own EA online account.
q Game Setting
џ Game Type: Circuit
џ Courses: Autopolis – GP Circuit, Chicago Airfield – Airport Long, Infineon – GP Circuit, Texas World Speedway – GP Circuit A, Willow Springs – Short Circuit B

(*Each Course may be modified by the WCG committee. Players will be informed before the tournament of any such modifications)
џ Car Settings:
1) Personal save files are not allowed.
2) WCG provided save file must be used for car setting.
3) Only the Porsche 911 Turbo with the preselected shared Blueprint provided in the WCG save file Career is allowed.
4) Cars maybe tuned from the in race menu before each race.

џ Graphic settings such as “motion blur” can be set using external utilities.
џ Personal save files are not allowed. Provided WCG save file must be used.
џ Race Day Options: Grip
1) Challenge Race Day: Yes
2) Difficulty: Elite
3) Number of Laps: 5
4) Game Type: Unranked
5) AI Opponents: OFF
6) Collisions: OFF
7) Min. Players: 3
Cool Private Race: Yes
џ Other controllers, Steering Wheel allowed
q Disconnections
џ Disconnection: Any disconnection of the connection between match players due to System, Network, PC, and/or Power problems/issues
џ Intentional Disconnection: Upon judgement by the referee, any offending player will be charged with a loss by forfeit
џ When any disconnection occurs:
1) If the disconnection is deemed to be unintentional by the referee, the match will be restarted. If any player does not agree to a match restart, that player will lose by default.
q Penalty for Unfair Play
џ Unfair Play
1) Use of any Cheat program
2) Intentional disconnection
3) Use of any settings exceeding standard and permitted settings
4) Any unnecessary chatting during the match.
5) If referee decides that external conditions (Press, Team Leader, Player, Spectator, etc) give unfair advantage to a player, the player may be given a warning or lose by default at the referee’s sole discretion.
џ Upon discovery of any player committing any violations regarded as unfair play, that player will be disqualified from the tournament.
џ During the course of any match, the operations staff and/or referee may determine

other actions to be unfair play at any time.
q These rules are for the WCG 2008 National Championship and are subject to modification in the following aspects.
џ Use of most recent patch/version release of each official game within WCG committee’s own discretion.
џ Changes to in-game settings and options necessitated by the use of most recent patch version/release
џ Cheat Protection Program release and/or cheat protection functions
џ Game settings and/or operations guidelines dictated by differences between online and LAN Tournaments
    #4   f4nat @ 01.06.08 12:53 [пожаловаться]   
по-Русски напишите . . .
    #5   Alphonse_Capone @ 03.11.10 22:43 [пожаловаться]   

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