
Pan1ka [забанен на месяц] @ 30.05.09 15:37 |
Привет посаны! Сегодня я вам расскажу про отличный способ найти новые знакомства по всему миру, выговориться совершенно незнакомому человеку или просто весело поболтать вместе с каким-нибудь эквадорским каэсером.
Все это можно найти на сайте Omegle.
Принцип работы очень прост — вы заходите туда, нажимаете единственную кнопочку, и компьютерная машина случайным образом выбирает настоящего живого собеседника, который точно также нажал на кнопочку, только где-нибудь в другом конце света. Всё, можно изливать душу и обсуждать планы захвата Вселенной.
Это я так коротко пообщался с каким-то тайваньцем, чтобы сделать скриншот

Кстати, ч0ткий сервис — каждый, кто увидит эту картинку, будет отмечен на ней в счетчике своей страны!
Гараж 36484 @ 30.05.09 15:42 |
француз попался , искал девушку (cat girl ) я его на митспин послал искать
Маяковский @ 30.05.09 15:50 |
Stranger: hi
You: Привет!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
БЕЛЯШЬ_НА_СТРАЖЕ_ПОРЯДКА @ 30.05.09 15:54 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: Russia
You: O_O
Stranger: i am prince
Stranger: no
You: country?
You: your?
Stranger: china
You: oo ok http://www.meatspin.com
Stranger: OMG!!WTF!!!!
photon_R[не_банить] @ 30.05.09 15:55 |
Вот это блиан прикольная хрень. Попался какой-то мудк из индии, который захотел меня затащить в постель. Когда узнал что я мужик как-то охладел.
shock3d @ 30.05.09 16:00 |
Stranger: merhaba
You: hi
You: what is your name п1д4р
You: hi
Stranger: uur
Stranger: whats yours?
Stranger: from?
You: russia
You: you?
Stranger: turkey
You: ахахаххах турецкий п1д4р
You: за**здни на турецком?
Stranger: what is p1d4re?
You: say in turkey
Stranger: what does п1д4рэ mean?
You: vkontakte.ru used???
Stranger: no
You: www.meatspin.com
You: п1д4р4с
You: 364
g_bale @ 30.05.09 16:02 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: do u have face book
You: No, where are u from?
Stranger: i m ashok frm india
Stranger: india
Stranger: iu
You: oh
Stranger: urs
You: i'm from Russia
Stranger: m23 here. ur asl please
Stranger: k
Stranger: what ru doing
You: check this: http://meatspin.com
Stranger: wats this
You: i'm watching a meatspin.com
Stranger: why i have to check this. whats there in this web
Stranger: k
Stranger: good
Stranger: OMG!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Dambo. @ 30.05.09 16:04 |
Stranger: hey asl?
You: hey,what?
You: go on BB.ru!
Stranger: age sex location
Stranger: bb.ru??
You: 18
You: Russia
You: yeah!
You: brabley.ru!
You: xD
Stranger: what is it?
You: or go on http://meatspin.com/
Stranger: and i would do that why
Stranger: your old news mate
You: it is web about cs 1.6!
You: no
Stranger: no what?
You: go on http://meatspin.com/,it's help U with feelings
Stranger: i know what it is you commi bastard
Stranger: you are old news
Fan of Barbie. The Avenger @ 30.05.09 16:06 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: I am Sasha
You: very do you live
Stranger: usa
Stranger: u?
You: Ukraine
Stranger: okay
You: what's your name?
Stranger: neil
You: Sasha
Stranger: thats beyonce's name too
Stranger: !
You: why beyonce
Stranger: pardon me?
You: yeah
You: in what city do you live?
Stranger: ny
You: Kiev
Stranger: nice
Stranger: how old are you ?
You: 22
Stranger: on facebook?
You: yes, but I don't remember my password there
Stranger: okay
Stranger: do you have a man in your life?
You: no, I like girls
You: I am a man
Stranger: oh shit
psyhodozer_изобрел_реверсивную_микроволновку @ 30.05.09 16:09 |
You: where are you from
Stranger: Croatia
You: Zagreb?
Stranger: Yup
You: you know Dario Srna
Stranger: Yes, he's a known football player
You: UEFA cup now in my city !!!! yeeaah awesome
Stranger: Yeaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!
Stranger: but then again I don't watch football
Маяковский @ 30.05.09 16:16 |
25 барбий 
а че, увез бы тебя дядька за границу, жил бы не тужил
voVer- @ 30.05.09 16:22 |
You: wazup niggaz
Stranger: what?
You: do you like meatspin.com?
Stranger: sorry, i don't understand . bye
Ома Смит_заовненый поендом_несет_хуйню @ 30.05.09 16:29 |
You: O_O
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: korea
You: O_O
You: heard about-meatspin.com
Stranger: no
You: O_O
You: proplay.ru
Stranger: hey
Stranger: hey hey
You: Wai-Fai in the toilet
You: Wai-Fai in the toilet
You: korea
You: ?
Stranger: hey !!
Stranger: fu*king
You: maner f*cking ass
Stranger: umm
Stranger: you look like f*cking
You: O_O
MN|butch. @ 30.05.09 16:31 |
Афтар красавчик, вот это классная тема 
Вот что у меня вышло:

Kpecm[1g] @ 30.05.09 16:33 |
You: is ther somebody?
You: O_O
Stranger: hi stranger
You: hihihihihihi
Stranger: korean?
You: no russian)
Stranger: ну я тоже
You: 36484
Stranger: лан бывай
You: 66
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
о_год, что это было
Dambo. @ 30.05.09 16:33 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Brabley Attack!
You: http://meatspin.com/
You: http://meatspin.com/
You: http://meatspin.com/
You: http://meatspin.com/
You: go go go
You: and take in ass
Fan of Barbie. The Avenger @ 30.05.09 16:38 |
You: hi
Stranger: / у㹄пеp†
You: what?
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: where r u from?
You: Ukraine
You: Kiev
You: and you
Stranger: Asia
You: Japan?
Stranger: Taiwan
You: you're man or woman?
Stranger: man
You: I am also man
Stranger: Ukraine is in Europe?
You: yes
You: near Russia
Stranger: is it cold in winter?
You: rather
You: the main problem - the rareness of the snowfalls
You: halloo
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i got it
You: I like girls from sport
You: very much
Stranger: like play tennis?
You: fitness
Stranger: oh oh
Stranger: u speak english in Ukraine?
You: We're speaking Russian in Ukraine
You: it's our native tongue
Stranger: oh oh
You: really
Stranger: do you know Taiwan?
You: yes
Stranger: it is a small island , i think a lot of people never heard it
You: I know about your island. You have the problem of independence with China, USA support it, and Russia - don't
You: Chain Kaishi was your leader
Stranger: YES
Stranger: u know a lot of things
You: I like to read books
Stranger: that is good
You: Really, it is abnormal to live without reading of books. I like to sit in the bookstores to read it
Stranger: yes
Stranger: can i ask how old you are?
You: 22
Stranger: sorry my english is not good
Stranger: r u a student?
You: yes
Stranger: your country near the north pole, your night is shorter in summer?
You: no, it is in the center of Europe
Stranger: oh
You: and what about Taiwan?
Stranger: it is hot , i want to touch snow
Stranger: but it is impossibe except the high mountains
You: what about the snow - you can go to Jacutia (it is in Russia)
Stranger: oh but it is too far
You: yes
Stranger: what department do you study?
You: Interpreting
You: and how old are U?
Stranger: 20
Stranger: interpreting , which language?
You: English; German
psyhodozer_изобрел_реверсивную_микроволновку @ 30.05.09 16:44 |
Маяковский @ 30.05.09 16:44 |
ахахаха, барбий 3610:
tongue - язык, как человеческий орган
native language is right!
Ома Смит_заовненый поендом_несет_хуйню @ 30.05.09 16:47 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi 
Stranger: how are you?
You: girl?
Stranger: no, boy
You: O_O
You: norm
You: norm
You: f*cking guy
Stranger: sorry for having a penis i guess
You: O_O
You: ?
You: what?
Stranger: you seem pissed at me for being a guy
You: O_O
You: cool
You: aka 4otok
You: chotok
You: like
Stranger: i''''m going to go and pee
Stranger: out of my penis
Stranger: while standing up
You: http://proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
Stranger: since i''''m a guy
Stranger: i''''ll check your link first
Stranger: maybe it''''s porn
You: nono
You: porno
Stranger: your link wasn''''t porn
You: porno- meatspin.com
Stranger: i shall go and pee
You: funny forum
You: O_O
Stranger: meatspin is kinda hot
You: ya
Stranger: i want to try being f*cked
Stranger: but not like that
You: up or down?
Stranger: up up down down left right left right
voin_brableya[iz bana] @ 30.05.09 16:48 |
ou: hi
Stranger: i feel sad
You: why?
Stranger: my girlfriend dumped me
You: u know what?
You: i think we dont need girls
You: www.meatspin.com
You: u can look to this site everytime
Stranger: i wanna cut
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Fan of Barbie. The Avenger @ 30.05.09 16:52 |
You: hi
You: are there anybody?
Stranger: hello
You: I am Sasha from Kiev
You: and U
Stranger: iґm flo from germany
You: Yeah, I was born in Germany
You: wie heisst du?
Stranger: florian und du ?
Stranger: sasha
You: Sasha also
You: Ich wohne ins Kiev
You: und du?
Stranger: berlin
You: Und ich wohne ins Kiev
You: bist du man oder Mдdchen?
Stranger: florian ?wie hцrt sich das an ??nach einem mдdchen ? nein ?
You: nein, Ich bin Man. Und ich bin 22
You: und du
Stranger: 16
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
voin_brableya[iz bana] @ 30.05.09 16:55 |
You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: gay or not ?
You: yes
You: u too??
Stranger: yes 
You: wow
You: where are you from?
Stranger: how old are you ??? where are you from ??
Stranger: france u ?
You: ukraine
Stranger: i'm 24 and you ?
You: 21 year
Stranger: handosmme ?
Stranger: are you handsome ?
You: yes
You: you?
Stranger: yes 
Stranger: big dick ?
You: 25 sm
Stranger: ahha liar ;)
You: no
You: real
Stranger: ahhaha
You: do you like site www.meatspin.com ?
You: its gay site
Stranger: no sorry
Stranger: is it good ?
Маяковский @ 30.05.09 17:05 |
Stranger: hi
You: hello i'm sasha
You: from kiev
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Барбий, тебя уже там узнают
Маяковский @ 30.05.09 17:26 |
You: hello i'm david!
Stranger: hi, i'm anne
You: david blane O_O
You: ok. where r u from ann?
You: france?
Stranger: i'm from taiwan?
Stranger: no
You: O_O
Stranger: where are you from?
You: i see, did you ever see a snow, ann?
Stranger: no,
You: I'm seeing snow even now
You: that from I am!
Stranger: cool! i really want to see snow
You: everybody from taiwan want to see a snow!
You: but i can say, that it's not so cool, as you think, it's cold!
Stranger: well, people from taiwan can see snow
Stranger: but we have to go to the high mountain
You: mb I meet only those, who want
You: how old r u, ann?
Stranger: 19 uh, please add an e for my name=)
Stranger: i'm anne, not ann
You: ok, anne
Stranger: thank you=)
You have disconnected.
Aynes @ 30.05.09 17:36 |

п0саны я ч0т0 не п0нял ч0 этот петух хотел, мб кто то объяснит?
MerL1N @ 30.05.09 17:50 |
You: прив,
Stranger: russian?
You: да
Stranger: sorry, don't understand
You: ok
You: u from?
Stranger: I think if i tell you where i come from, you will stop talking quickly...
You: why
Stranger: because i met a russian before, he or she did this
NastoyashiiZlodey @ 30.05.09 17:57 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: asl ?
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 16 f korea
You: COOL!
You: Love asians !
You: can we f*ck
You: ?
Stranger: ј8
You: Im gonna touch you right now
Stranger: Q ш?
You: try to keep me down
You: la-lalala
Stranger: KKKKKKKK
You: so write on english
Stranger: шЊ¬”pDИд
You: YES
You: I
You: DO
You: North Korea
Stranger: no
You: make rockets with nuclear bombs
You: So you will be f*cked up soon
You: lol
Stranger: south korea!
Stranger: It''s digusting!
You: and Japan too
You: haha
You: lol
You: T_T
Stranger: ?LАД»XtшрРXАИ
You: North korea funny
Stranger: How rude can you be?
You: this is not rude at my point
You: what you do in Korea
Stranger: Yor are so childish
You: lol
You: you 16 uears old
You: noyears damn it
You: not me
Stranger: how old are you?
You: Im North Korean
You: 22
Stranger: oh yes nice to meet you!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: hahahahahaha
You: We destroy you soon
You: hahaha
You: ^_^
You: Funny isnt it ?
Stranger: Have you lost your mind?
Stranger: Are you crazy?
Stranger: You must be kidding!
You: Lol
You: NO
You: you have only 2 may be 3 weeks
You: Im in red army now and ready to attack
You: so go and f*ck with me
You: there is not much time
Stranger: you too f*ck!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

Маяковский @ 30.05.09 17:58 |
You: hello
Stranger: merhaba
You: п1дарас что ли?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Aynes @ 30.05.09 18:07 |
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 f korea
You: can we fu#k? i can coming ti you O_O my second name is Black_Owner O_O
Stranger: shut up
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
PoleznashKAaa @ 30.05.09 18:18 |
You: http://www.meatspin.com
Stranger: what the
Stranger: what is this
You: Good site
Stranger: good
Pan1ka [забанен на месяц] @ 30.05.09 18:44 |
Спс ребята, подняли настроение 

Кстати, ч0ткий сервис — каждый, кто увидит эту картинку, будет отмечен на ней в счетчике своей страны!
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 18:45 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello!
Stranger: are you bored ?
Stranger: hi
You: bored?
You: no im fine
Stranger: ;(
Stranger: i am bored
You: from ?
You: man?
Stranger: europe yes
You: Me Ukraine
Stranger: me athens
You: how old?
Stranger: 18
You: me 12
Stranger: oh
Stranger: my dog is hungry must go
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 18:48 |
You: my dog is hungry must go
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hiiiiii
Stranger: hi !
Stranger: where from?
You: Ukraine
You: you?
Stranger: s korea
Stranger: nice to meet you ^^
You: How old are tou?
You: Me 22
Stranger: 18
Stranger: m or f?
You: oh
You: my dog is hungry must go
You have disconnected.
PoleznashKAaa @ 30.05.09 18:50 |
You: hi
Stranger: |_______`._____________|_________|_______:
__________.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/
You: 40т0к)
Stranger: ололо
Stranger: здравстуй
Aynes @ 30.05.09 18:58 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: r u boy?
You: yea
Stranger: i'm sexiest girl in the whole world
You: are you from brablay?O_O
Stranger: sure
You: привет в0ен О_О
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 19:03 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: HU
Stranger: HUt|а
You: In ru or eng please)
Stranger: t8И||]
Stranger: ok
Stranger: sorry
You: korea?
Stranger: yes
You: me Ukraine
Stranger: wow
Stranger: good
Stranger: there
Stranger: South Korea president dide
Stranger: South Korea said the president died
Stranger: you know?
Stranger: Mu-Hyeon No
You: Oo
You: dont know
Stranger: i''''m
You: sorry
Stranger: ..
Stranger: you
Stranger: fu.ck you.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
psyhodozer_изобрел_реверсивную_микроволновку @ 30.05.09 19:11 |
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘€ €
psyhodozer_изобрел_реверсивную_микроволновку @ 30.05.09 19:17 |
Stranger: boy or girl?
Stranger: What games do you play
You: counter strike
You: o ho
You: WAr 3
You: Ted Infi Sky
You: OMG
Stranger: oh
Stranger: me too
Stranger: u play?
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 19:19 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, my asl is 23/male/finland, and u?
You: hello!
You: my asl is 12/ man/ Ukraine
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 19:25 |
Vot iwwo:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: 14/m/holland
You: 62/m/Ukraine
You: Wat you like do?
Stranger: to disconnect
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
primat @ 30.05.09 19:39 |
You: from?
Stranger: atlantis!
You: whataf*ck?
You: im from brablay
Stranger: babylon?
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 19:39 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 14 male finland
Stranger: you?
You: me 62 famele Niderland
You: wat you like do?
Stranger: i like to play guitar, spend time with friends, swim etc.
Stranger: you?
You: Im like play piano, send with girlfriends, walk...
You: and shoping
You: wat musik you like?
You: music
Stranger: umm... bands like muse, coldplay, radiohead, oceansize etc.
Stranger: you?
You: Im like hip-hop, drum n base
You: dou you have ISQ?
You: or skype
You: or somesing like this
Stranger: no
Stranger: i have MSN though
You: wisit meatspin.com --good site
Stranger: what is the site about?
You: porno 
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 19:51 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: als?
Stranger: do you speak
You: 12 male Ukraine
You: Eng
You: Rus
You: Ukr
Stranger: Россия
You: Oo
Stranger: Москва
Stranger: 26 male
You: Бра блей?
You: Я Киев
You: браблеевец?
You: http://proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: ага?
You: Ато тут одни корейці та шведі)
You: куку ты тут?
You: мен
You: 19
You: мне
Stranger: ff
You: через неделю)
Stranger: я тута
Stranger: с Хабра зашел?
You: Чо за хабра?
You: http://proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: Оттудова я
You: Ты в Контру неиграеш? или Вар крафт?)
Stranger: http://habrahabr.ru/
Stranger: играл когда то
Stranger: но ща не особо
You: неснал ни про какой харбор)
You: А ы про Браблей знаеш?
Stranger: интересный сайт
Stranger: ена
You: тЫ ЧТО)
You: Зайди)
You: Там нормальные парни тусят)
Stranger: зашел
Афтар мудк @ 30.05.09 19:56 |
#119 Зачем же так жестко
#123 Как-то странно он дисконектился. По-видимому понравился митспин 
FRANCK @ 30.05.09 20:05 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You tbl snizdeJl rakety s de_nike?
Stranger: what
You: go to sex 0_0
Stranger: I the woman the fool
You: I too
You: go трахатся 0_0
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 20:05 |
Ишшо один!!! с хабра!
3559 users online Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: david?
You: Oo
You: who is david?
Stranger: o_o
Stranger: i dont know
You: From?
Stranger: i thought you knew..
You: David blaine
Stranger: russia
You: me Ukr
You: Xedfr
Stranger: habr?
You: чувак!
You: ты с ББ. ру?
Stranger: неет
You: Опять хабр
You: Омг
Stranger: я с хабрахабр
Stranger: лол
Stranger: я пытаюсь понять кто david
You: Не не ч0тко както)
You: Я тоже
You: уже 5
You: рас спрашивают какогото девида
You: и дисконект
Stranger: это странно
Stranger: и никто не знает кто он
You: Заходи на ББ ру!!
You: Сибя увидеш
You: )
Афтар мудк @ 30.05.09 20:07 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: China?
You: Russia 
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
The gnome Barmalei[O_O] @ 30.05.09 20:09 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: WQ
Stranger: hio
Stranger: hi
You: hihi
You: howe are you?
Stranger: where?
You: Russia
Stranger: fine^ ^
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Чет нас боятся
Aynes @ 30.05.09 20:10 |
Кароче когда спрашиваеют DAVID? если ответить да, то просят какой то пирог, видимо нада нарисовать йухню как на скрине их поста #84
З.Ы. уже больше 40 человек у меня про дэвида спрашивало и всем пирог нужен
Пися-гриб[подосиновик_в_рот] @ 30.05.09 20:12 |
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 22/m
You: привет ,мудк
Stranger: wtf?
You: hello faggot*
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
WY1PEE @ 30.05.09 20:12 |
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: здаров
You: sry
You: hello
Stranger: russian?
Stranger: this looks like russian alphabet
You: yes
You: but im ua
You: )
You: asl?
Stranger: ua?
Stranger: i''m 19 m braz
You: male of female?
You: im female
You: from ukraine
Stranger: oh that''s nice
Stranger: i''ve never met an ukrainen
You: and 21 years old)
You: oo
Stranger: i''m male
You: ive never met brazil
You: do u like cs?
Stranger: yes
You: :O
You: and whats now with mibr?i heard that they stop playing
Stranger: it''s nice to put some bullets in other''s peoples heads
You: ))
Stranger: i dunno
You: do u like shooting in heads?
Stranger: for sure!!
You: :>
Stranger: i like headshots
Stranger: my favourite weapons are desert eagle and awp
You: oh, mabye i know you!
You: whats ur name?
Stranger: oh no
Stranger: u don''t know me
Stranger: ''-''
You: my is Katya
Stranger: mine is andrй
You: and surname?
Stranger: but i don''t usually play cs in clans
Stranger: andrй couto
You: i know u gyu
You: really
You: omg
You: i saw u in the site
You: www.meatspin.com
You: mabye u know how u get into this flash movie>?
Stranger: what''s this site?
Stranger: o.O
You: so how u explain what are u doing there?
You: m?
You: andre`
Stranger: ?
парень уже обрадовался =
FRizLusиLove @ 30.05.09 20:13 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi...
Stranger: hi
You: where are u from?
Stranger: England
Stranger: u?
You: Russia
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 20:15 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
You: david?
Stranger: Hello
Stranger: damn you anon
You: from?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Черпак @ 30.05.09 20:15 |
Stranger: Hoi
You: hihi
You: from?
Stranger: netherlands
You: ahahahahaha
You have disconnected.
АнальнаяТрещина @ 30.05.09 20:18 |
Omegle conversation log 2009-05-30
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi random stranger
Stranger: hi
You: i am another random stranger
Stranger: ha ha
You: how is your random life goin'?
Stranger: everyone you met is a random stranger
Stranger: I don't know for sure
You: this is random life
Stranger: I met some strange guys and met some people from my hometown
You: I am quite strange by myself. And as i can see, you are ass strange as me...
You: as*
Stranger: ha ha
You: And we have some strange chat on some strange site...
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 19
You: 20
Stranger: ha ha have some strange chat on some strange site
You: Where are u from?
Stranger: Taiwan
You: Czech republic
You: but i am armenian
Stranger: wow
Stranger: amazing
You: yeah and quite strange
Stranger: strange
Stranger: ha ha
Stranger: interesting
You: hey i am preparing to my exams so bye
Stranger: bye : )
You have disconnected.
Пися-гриб[подосиновик_в_рот] @ 30.05.09 20:21 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ПЫШЬ мать!
You: еба!
You: мудк !
Stranger: фига се
You: ч0 бб рулит!
Stranger: россия вперёд
You: ты с бб?
Stranger: сори, шо за бб? )) обчно под словом бб я понимаю ПОКА ПОКА
You: пошел тогда накуй
Stranger: привык уже )
You have disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 30.05.09 20:22 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: from?
You: psdc
You: New mol4i!!
You: wqrqwer
You: kyky
You: Oo
Stranger: psdc?
Stranger: idiot.
You: =Pesdec
You: Oo
You: from?
You: me Ukraine
You: wat about you?
Stranger: Are you capable of holding an intelligent conversation.. and by that I mean other than spamming useless nonsense?
Stranger: Idiot.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Афтар мудк @ 30.05.09 20:23 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: where are u from?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: italy
Stranger: u>
Stranger: ?
You: russia
You: 29
You: female
Stranger: 30,m
Stranger: your name?
You: natasha
Stranger: nice name
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: yes
You: You sexy
Stranger: my name is tony
Stranger: nice to meet u
You: http://www.meatspin.com/
You: Good name
You: i like
Stranger: what's this?
You: ч0рный властелин
You: black overlord
Stranger: omg
WY1PEE @ 30.05.09 20:33 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: say h1
Stranger: hi!
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: ye
Stranger: asl?
You: asl?
You: Asl?
You: korean?
You: .................0000000000
You: .................0000000000
You: .................0000000000
You: .................0000000000
Stranger: haha
Stranger: )*(
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: com over and f*ck me
Stranger: i''m hot
You: H@H@H@
You: asl?
Stranger: hehehe
Stranger: asl?
You: asl?
You: ;D
Stranger: asl?
You: ok
You: im 19
You: u?
You: *years old
Stranger: i''m 24
You: im female
You: u?
Stranger: i''m male
You: f*ck
You: it sucks
Stranger: h@h@h@
You: =(
Stranger: u too
You: im from brablay
You: no im lesbian
You: u?
Stranger: i''m gay
You: i understand
You: what country are u from?
Stranger: turtle island
Stranger: there are a lot of turtle in the island
You: =
You: do u know what means semki?
Stranger: what is semki
You: and shiga?
Stranger: i dont know
You: semki is the national food of brablay
You: brablay is my country
Stranger: where is brablay
You: u mean situated?
You: in my ass
You: oh sorry in afrika
You: yep
Stranger: in ur ass
Stranger: i like it
Stranger: how do i get in
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
FRANCK @ 30.05.09 20:34 |
1. Russian Federation 190 May 30, 2009
2. Ukraine 16 May 30, 2009
3. Belarus 12 May 30, 2009
4. Kazakhstan 7 May 30, 2009
5. Czech Republic 3 May 30, 2009
6. Sweden 3 May 30, 2009
7. Norway 2 May 30, 2009
8. Cyprus 1 May 30, 2009
9. Uzbekistan 1 May 30, 2009
10. Romania 1 May 30, 2009
11. Moldova, Republic of 1 May 30, 2009
12. United Kingdom 1 May 30, 2009
Flag Counter
Джонник @ 30.05.09 20:37 |
какой блиа митспин! Вот новая ссылка, тот же митспин, но только жоще http://www.wowomg.com/rofl/Посмотрите не пожалеете
З.ы не умею делать кликабельное ссылко,сори
FRANCK @ 30.05.09 20:40 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: hi
You: where you from
Stranger: hello
Stranger: out of earth
Stranger: ab u>
You: ты чё муд?
Stranger: taking long time mate
You: And is more detailed
Stranger: are u here?
Stranger: you are thinking?
You: писди сцуко на русском и ниипёт
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
psyhodozer_изобрел_реверсивную_микроволновку @ 30.05.09 20:40 |
Stranger: i just chatted with a russian,so maybe many russian online here
You: there is a attack
You: from sitre
You: brablay.ru
You: here
Stranger: aga...what does this mean?another unknown language?
You: we looking for a rocket
You: from de_nuke

photon_R[не_банить] @ 30.05.09 20:44 |
You: Hi. I''''m not a girl
Stranger: u r gay
You: u are from meatspin.com?
Stranger: yeas
You: 36484
Stranger: what?
You: чорный властелин тебя в ж0пу ибал мудк
You: you are really gay?
Stranger: u r so gay
Stranger: man
Stranger: do u like niggers?
You: nice site, isn''''t it?
You: u are antifa?
Stranger: u are nigger?
You: no f.cking antifa
You: my hole it''''s only my hole, I''''m not f.cking gay as u
Stranger: lol
Stranger: kid
Stranger: f.ck u
WY1PEE @ 30.05.09 20:45 |
H@H@H парень знает где браблей 
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi where are you from?
You: hello
You: u first
You: ok im from brablay
You: u?
Stranger: JAPAN
You: oo
You: female male?
Stranger: MALE
You: and what about your age?
You: im female
Stranger: i'm 22 and you?
You: oh ure typing so long
You: im 19
You: :>
You: do u know brablay>
Stranger: cool
You: if not i can told u some about us
Stranger: no where is that?
You: and mabye ull come to us
You: its a little country near proplay
You: im sure u know where proplay is situated
Stranger: proplay?
You: yes
Stranger: in latin america?
You: oh u know where it is!
You: yes
You: ure very clever
You: do u want me to tell u our national traditions?
Stranger: ok u can tell me
You: do u know what is semki?
You: its our traditional food
You: we eat it with shiga
You: so we dring shiga and eat semki
You: dont be so boring
You: ask me about something
You: or i leave u
Stranger: cool
You: so
You: ...
Stranger: you dpeak espenol?
You: nope
You: i speak only brablanguage
You: ok
You: bye
You: You: .................0000000000
You have disconnected.
photon_R[не_банить] @ 30.05.09 20:46 |
Stranger: hi
Stranger: eba
You: Hi
Stranger: froM?
You: U?
Stranger: rus :C
You: brablay
Stranger: YS!

You: 36484
Dantotsu123 @ 30.05.09 20:49 |
Connecting to server...
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: say you have tits
Stranger: no?!
You: o_O
You: yes ( . )( . )
Stranger: охуе*ь
You: ))
You: и неговари
You: ты с бб?
Stranger: окэй
Stranger: бб? это где?
You: это сайт такой
You: proplay
You: .ru
You: там поцыки отжигают )
Stranger: поцыки))
You: )
You: ты с какого города?
You: пф
You: ты здесь?
Stranger: тута
Stranger: читаю про ваши торнаменты
Stranger: ты там ттоже жжошь?
You: бывает время от времени
You: тема "Omegle — поговори с кем-нибудь "
Stranger: )))) ржачно
You: и я о томже
You: посидишь там недельки три ещё не такое увидишь )
You: знаешь че такое http://www.meatspin.com?
Stranger: неа
You: http://www.meatspin.com - ВОЗРИ ЖЕ !
You: ))ъ
Stranger: воззреваю))
You: аххаах
Stranger: сцуко не открывается
You: (
Stranger: ))))
Stranger: пипец
You: Попробуй присто .meatspin.com''''
Stranger: да я уже увидел
You: )))
Stranger: воззрел
You: ща я этот разговор там выставлю )
You: ок ?
You: ))
Stranger: )))) давай
You: жди ..
RAGE.Hokc @ 30.05.09 20:51 |
You: hi
You: !
Stranger: hihihihihihihihihihihi
You: brablay?
Stranger: рc
You: from?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: taiwan
You: visit http://meatspin.com/
You: 36484
Stranger: 0.0
You: i love this site
йож @ 30.05.09 21:01 |
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: hiho 36484
You: kak dela
You: K4K D3L4
You: ?
Stranger: ?
You: do u know about otake?
Stranger: u japanese?
You: no i'm brablayanese
You: ch0rnogo vlastelina znaesh?
You: Africa union?
WY1PEE @ 30.05.09 21:05 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: Hello)
Stranger: ~18, girl, Russia)
Stranger: and you?
You: o_God
Stranger: me? XD
You: нет епт я
You: ))
Stranger: б**
You: как зовут?)
Stranger: опять)
Stranger: Алена)
You: мм
You: 18
You: из москвы?
Stranger: нет) Новосибирск)
You: наконец то
You: вовов
You: контакт есть?)
Stranger: ыы)) смотря какой)
You: ну пока виртуальный
You: )
You: lol
Stranger: ))
You: vkontakte.ru?
Stranger: зачот)
Stranger: естьЭ)
You: ny davaj
You: kidau)
Stranger: щас ты чувствую испугаешсо и сбежишь XD
Stranger: http://vkontakte.ru/id25212070
You: не
You: ты с хабра
You: ?
You: как нашла сайт
Stranger: отчасти)
You: пёздая кошара)
Stranger: я там иногда бываю анонимусом)
Stranger: Оо
You: в фотах
You: я имею в виду)
Stranger: ))
You: как сайт то нашла?)
Stranger: все тебе скажи :Р
You: ну да
You: браблей?)
Stranger: wass?
You: proplay.ru?
You: не знаешь
You: там браблей
You: там чОтко
Stranger: неа) не в курсе)
You: лан ты посмотри
You: а я пошел
You: давай
You: удачи
You: )
You have disconnected.
ОГБЭБ suxxproxx @ 30.05.09 21:21 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi random stranger
You: where are you from?
Stranger: swedn
Stranger: sweden*
Stranger: u?
You: Russia
Stranger: oki
You: And so do you know where is the rocket from de_nuke?
Stranger: nope, I dont play CS
You: O_O
You: what your age of мастурбейтинг?
Stranger: Im 16
You: 16 years мастурбируешь ?
Stranger: what does that last thing mean?
You: this is a secret code of brablay fighters
perehodi еbl @ 30.05.09 21:32 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: `}
You: hi
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: taiwan
Stranger: and u
You: I am from Brablay
You: You like Black Overlord?
You: You like http://www.meatspin.com ?
You: that for so long?
You: you died?
Stranger: = =||||
Stranger: i am not a gay..
You: I am from http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: I am also not gay ))
You: this is a joke
You: прикол, короче
You: how life with you?
Stranger: = =??
You: How are you?
Stranger: is your talk log?
You: No, I tell you learn or work?
You: tell
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
0v3r104d @ 30.05.09 21:40 |
You: hello
Stranger: Hello! how are you?
You: Im fine thanks
You: and you?
You: male or female?
Stranger: i`m male) and you?
Stranger: i`m fine)
You: male too
You: country?
Stranger: Russia!
Stranger: and where are you?
You: here
You: yes Russia
You: Where did you know?
Stranger: i`m hacker
You: ooo A subscription allows here http://meatspin.com/
Stranger: oh...f*ck! what is it????
You: wahhaha
photon_R[не_банить] @ 30.05.09 21:41 |
Скинула блиать девушка из сша фотку, я чуть не обосрался. http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/628/847/1600/309021/410-keri5.jpg
Aynes @ 30.05.09 21:45 |
ппц, баба из испании лечила что она такая секси шо пестец, а как тока фоту попросил, сразу сыпалась
NastoyashiiZlodey @ 30.05.09 21:51 |
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: where you from?
You: asl
You: me SAR
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: me Germany
You: Ye
You: cool me 2
You: Im living in south african republic
Stranger: 22 Male and you?
You: lol
Stranger: Male or female?
You: me too 22
You: m
You: We here destroy f*cking black monkeys
Stranger: What your name?
You: Like Gradpa Hitler want us to do
You: Heil !
You: Whit Brother
You: White*
You: My name is Otto
You: Otto von Shtirlitz
You: What do you think about this ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
ЗЕЛЕНКА @ 30.05.09 21:53 |
You have disconnected.
жжоте, единственная тема на бб за последние месяца два с которой буквально от смеха усираешься
ОГБЭБ suxxproxx @ 30.05.09 21:56 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: this....
Stranger: …………………...„„-~^^~„-„„_
………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„
…………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '
…………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '|
……….../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : |
………...„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :'|
……….../ . . . . . . '| : : : : : : : :|
……..../ . . . . . . . .' : : : : : : : |
……../ . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : :|
……./ . . . . . . . . . . . ' : : : : : /
….../ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*'
….'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '|
…/ . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .|
../ . . . . . . . .'/ . . . . . . .'|
./ . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . .'|
'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|
'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|
'| . . . . . . „_^- „ . . . . .'|
'| . . . . . . . . .' . ./ '/ . |
| . . . . . . . . . . .'' / . '|
| . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .|
| . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|
Stranger: falcon cock
You: O_O
You: BR@BL@Y?
Stranger: YES
You: cho suk@ s brablaya ?
nippken @ 30.05.09 21:57 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: brabley 074K3
You: www.meatspin.com
Stranger: ^o)
You: ihaaaa
You: look
You: and enjoy
Stranger: what is it?
You: look
Stranger: no
Stranger: what is it?
You: best site >
Stranger: daaggg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
funky_No0r @ 30.05.09 22:01 |
You: And so do you know where is the rocket from de_nuke?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
ОГБЭБ suxxproxx @ 30.05.09 22:08 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: usa
Stranger: male
Stranger: 21
You: russia male 21
Stranger: u?
You: O_O
Stranger: ok
You: we will f*ck you by rockets bitches
Stranger: ok
Stranger: do u like to be f*cked?
You: O_O
You: by girls :]
FRANCK @ 30.05.09 22:09 |
Connecting to server...
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: …………………...„„-~^^~„-„„_
………………„-^*'''''''' : : „'''''''' : : : : *-„
…………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : ''''
…………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : ''''|
……….../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : |
………...„-* . .;. . .| : : : : : : : :''''|
……….../ . . .;.". / ''''| : : : : : : : :|
……..../ .. . . . ./. .'''' : : : : : : : |
……../ . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : :|
……./ . | . . . /. . . . . '''' : : : : : /
….../ . . . . . / . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*''''
….''''/ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ''''|
…/ . . .|. . . . ./ . . . . .. . . .|
../ . . . | . . . .''''/ . . . . .. . . ''''|
./ '''' . . ./. . . . / . . . . . . . . . ''''|
''''/ ---- __________. . __ . .. ''''|
''''| . . . . . . . . . . .---- . . . . .|
''''| . . . . . . „_^- „ . . . . . . . . ''''|
''''| . . . . . . . . .'''' . ./ ''''/ . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . . . . .'''''''' / . . . . . .''''|
| . . . . . . . . . . / .''''/ . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . .| . . / ./ .. . . . . . . .|
| . . . . . . .. . ./. /.... . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . .. . / ./ .... . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . |
| . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. |
| . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... |
| . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . .... |
You: You and all your country sucked cockerel at OBAMA
You: Я из России с1ка и вас ебём
You: And for whom you voted or you only have finished 5 classes))))
You: caps lock Clean the whore
Stranger: /cruise control
You: The American sucker
Stranger: The American f1cker
You: the american whore
Stranger: the American door
зы разговор продолжается
зыы ждите
perehodi еbl @ 30.05.09 22:10 |
#182 MSN Web Messenger это у них тоже самое, что у нас аська. Забугром очень популярна
Aynes @ 30.05.09 22:17 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: m/f?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: both
You: O_O
Stranger: i know..

п0саны я испугалсо
ЗЕЛЕНКА @ 30.05.09 22:25 |
You: YO
You: HI
Stranger: YO BRO
You: whre are u from?
You: brabley POWER?
Stranger: nothing much
Stranger: oh fucюk pikachu i choose you use thunderbolt to the stranger kabooooomm gotta catch em all i can has brand new pokemon STRANGER yeaaah misty suck my dick
ну не ?
ЗЕЛЕНКА @ 30.05.09 22:37 |
Stranger: so
Stranger: i herd
Stranger: u
Stranger: leik
Stranger: mudkipz!
You: wtf is mudkipz?
mudk i pz? ч0?
ч0т0к бп @ 30.05.09 23:25 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi yea
You: from?
Stranger: india
Stranger: u?
You: brablay
You: watch site - www.meatspin.com
Stranger: oh k
Stranger: y wats dat?
You: i see you there on the top
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
sUpeRheRo_ @ 30.05.09 23:26 |
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: Romania
You: Dracula 36484
You: ((
You: Vampirs
Stranger: )
You: yes?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: you?
You: im scared
You: +(
You: im brabley
You: name?
Stranger: bogdan
Stranger: from?
You: this is small country
You: im Zhenua
Stranger: i dont heard about
You: countru brabley
You: i love you
You: афтар ты приуныл!
You: зашол насрал на багдана вышел!
You: зы жри гавно 36484
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
5H0K3D 36444 @ 30.05.09 23:30 |
Надо заранее отжиги придумывать 
Митспином уже всех, я думаю, загрузили
Ezkaton @ 30.05.09 23:39 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hi, I''''''''''''''''m a Muslim.
You: from ?
Stranger: UAE
You: Baghdad ?
Stranger: No.
Stranger: United Arab Emirates.
You: I''''''''''''''''m from russia
You: nice to meet u ))
Stranger: Nice to meet you too!
You: Muslim - that is your name of religion ??
Stranger: Islam is the name of the religion, but followers of Islam are called Muslims.
You: understand )
Stranger: Can you teach me to say hello in Russian?
You: ok )
You: пiзд"
You: thats )
Stranger: Begins with P
You: or
You: пiзд"бол
You: P"zda
You: on english )
Stranger: spassibo!
You: no problem ))
Stranger: I want to learn Russian.
You: I''''''''''''''''m a pagan by the way )
You: why ?
Stranger: I like to know languages.
You: hmmm
You: good )
sUpeRheRo_ @ 30.05.09 23:50 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: son of a bitch
Stranger: You?
You: no no
You: sorry
You: name?
Stranger: )))Pol
You: pol mccartni? 
Stranger: ....no
You: save my name pol save my name D
Stranger: & u name?
You: you watching LOST? serial
Stranger: yes
You: im antonio
You: very cool serial
You: =)
You: five season no emotion no fear =))))))))))
Stranger: yes....but i wath only 1 season
You: foooooo
You: loh
You: e6aHblu
You: ble
Stranger: Сам ты лох
You: nHx ydod
You: D
You: хаха
You: руский
You: шль
You: ?))
Stranger: Че с дебилов стебешся?
You: хаха
You: да
Stranger: Я тоже 
You: как звать то тя?)
Stranger: Серёга
You: ты с браблея?)
You: www.proplay.ru
Stranger: Не я с Хабра
You: аа)
Stranger: habr.ru
You: меня Женька йобана 
You: америкосы пздц
You: индейцы
Stranger: Та че я тут одних индусов и тайванцев встречаю...ща шведы пошли
You: ха ты 1 русский )
You: у мну ска
You: извращенцы
You: пздц
You: одни
Stranger: я встечал 3 русских за 4 часа
You: ппс)
You: и чо говорили?)
Stranger: Та всякое в основном когда узнают что я пацан морозятся
You: тупые уш куле :X
Stranger: Говорил всем что я рядом с Чернобылем живу
You: и чо они верят?)
You: я ваще грил типа я спайдер мен
You: они блее автограф дай
Stranger: Там тоже троллей хватает ;)
You: DD
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 00:18 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: Who is your favorite singer?
Stranger: where r u from?
You: Brablay
You: and you?
Stranger: hello
You: привет
You: You listened Danzel - You Spin Me Round?
You: My favorite song
You: Here, listen to http://www.meatspin.com
You: bets music
You: best
Stranger: india
You: good guys to meatspin 
You: My sister loves Indian movies
Stranger: my speakers are nt working
You: You saw the Russian Snow?
Stranger: i am male 29
Stranger: how abt u
You: i am female 24
You: natasha
Stranger: no i have not seen russia
You: I am a hacker
Stranger: so what do u do?
Stranger: ohh my god
You: yes yes hacker
Stranger: i am scared
You: Everyone is wondering))
Stranger: will u hack into my computer
You: No, do not worry
You: )))
Stranger: hahaa
You: uploading troyan....
You: joke
You: hahahaha
Stranger: thank god it is joke
Stranger: hahaha
You: I like Indian tea
Stranger: i must invite u to india
You: good))]
Stranger: to have the tea
I will now hack windows 7. I am busy
Stranger: bbye
You: bb
You have disconnected.
sUpeRheRo_ @ 31.05.09 00:20 |
ппс я в шоке америкос знает наши фильмы советские ))
You: sex cheburashka and beer
You: and bear 
Stranger: shuricks adverntures
You: hahaha
You: yeees D
You: you like shuricks?? 
Stranger: of course
Stranger: that movie is a LEGEND
You: yeees))
УСовец @ 31.05.09 00:23 |
с бразильцем абщаюсь 36484 
You: u play CS ?
Stranger: yes, but I have on my PC
Stranger: no have in PC
You: hm
You: u know team mibr?
brave_heart @ 31.05.09 00:41 |
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: are you stranger??
You: y
You: brablay?
Stranger: no..not yet
Stranger: and you??
You: meatspin.com
Stranger: no
zie @ 31.05.09 00:43 |
You: Please visit meatspin.com - most popular cs portal in europe
Stranger: it's my homepage ;)
LOL вы его подсадили
umbro. @ 31.05.09 00:47 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: how are you doing
You: listening music
You: and you?
Stranger: what are you listening to
Stranger: im just here bored
You: i'm listening techno
You: technobase.fm
Stranger: im gonna look them up
You: ok
You: also check
Stranger: ...not bad so far
You: www.meatspin.com
You: cool music too
Stranger: LOL yea yea
Stranger: i have gotten to 500 spins before
Stranger: im pro
You: ye ye :]
You: you're oficially gay
Stranger: anyways i got to run..gonna watch meatspin until it ends
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
zie @ 31.05.09 01:17 |
You: Hello
Stranger: is that you Mike?
Stranger: WoW! At least I found you, Mike
You: Hehe 
Stranger: Do you still have the money?
You: Yes I have about 2-3k
Stranger: Ok then
Stranger: I'll meet you on Moscow
You: по-русски сечёшь?
Stranger: I'll try to get the tickets
Stranger: no
You: i've learnt some Russian words
Stranger: Oh God! The cops are here!
Stranger: bye
You: see ya
Stranger: see you there
Stranger: bye!
You: dont tell about me!
Stranger: ok
reed- @ 31.05.09 01:29 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: chicago
Stranger: u?
You: i'm russian spider-man.
Stranger: cool
Stranger: I'm looking for a job you hiring?
Stranger: i could be your side kick
You: I can suggest to clean to you to me footwear
Stranger: you want me to shine your shoes?
You: Yes, you awake to clean to me boots.
Stranger: sure sounds good
Stranger: when can i start?
Stranger: i can also tune up your webslingers if you want
You: What is i twebslingers?
You: *What is it webslingers?
Stranger: what a spiderman shoots his webs out of.
You: ahh yea ofcouse
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 01:35 |
А это я переписывался с греком. Представился девушкой
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how r u?
You: I am Natasha
You: Brablay
Stranger: where r u from
Stranger: ?
You: 24 female
You: From brablay
Stranger: wanna cyber?
You: but where are you?
Stranger: greece
Stranger: 21 male
You: You listened Danzel - You Spin Me Round?
You: My favorite song
You: Here, listen to http://www.meatspin.com
Stranger: i know the song
You: i love greece
You: I want a Greek man
Stranger: where is brablay?
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/ - brablay
Stranger: wanna have a sex talk??
You: I have already removed the panties
Stranger: do you sweety???
Stranger: do u have a webcam and msn??
You: I like Sado-Mazo
Stranger: i like to spank your ass
Stranger: msn?
You: no msn 
Stranger: skype??
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
Stranger: is this u??
You: yes
Stranger: i want to f.uck you.....more pics
Stranger: ???
You: No, now you
You: put your photo
Stranger: do u have facebook???
Stranger: sexy lady....you r great
You: No, I do not use social networks
You: where is your photo?
Stranger: on facebook
Your conversational partner has disconnected
аццкий джогедж @ 31.05.09 01:36 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: u?
You: golland
You: male/female?
Stranger: f
You: wow
Stranger: where isgollanfd
You: u need to visit http://meatspin.com
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
reed- @ 31.05.09 01:47 |
Признавайтесь это кто? Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: y
You: hej!
Stranger: i'm Charlie
I come from the banana kingdom
we need a KING
would you be a BANANA KING ?
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 01:48 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi from?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
reed- @ 31.05.09 01:53 |
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: p1dar?
Stranger: no
Stranger: asl?
You: no asl
Stranger: 18 m uk
You: country?
Stranger: uk
You: ok
You: ask me?
Stranger: lol yeh?
You: yea )
Stranger: asl?
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 01:56 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 18/M/Russia
You: hi
You: 18 m Ukr
You: Oo
You: rus?
Stranger: 4
Stranger: 5
Stranger: Вау)
You: Здорова!
You: Броблей?
Stranger: С хабра зашёл?
Stranger: Броблей?
Stranger: Что это?
You: С браблея
You: Вот:
You: Там какрас обсуждаем етот сайт
Stranger: Молодцы)
You: Шас и нас закину туда)
Stranger: Пошли дальше тйолок искать? ))
You: Ин чоткость ви Бро
You: 364
You: Кстате
Stranger: Шо?
You: Захади!
You: http://www.meatspin.com
You: Ой Стоп!!
You: ненадо)
You: я пашутил чувак
You: Неходи туда
You: у тибя неделю стоять небудет
You: по сибе знаю)
Stranger: А что там нарисовано?
You: лучче неснать)
Stranger: А то я уже открыл, но ещё не смотрю =)
Stranger: Там полная жесть?
You: Заиди лучче на Браблей
You: почитай)
Stranger: Зашел
Stranger: Не, ну ты просто скажи, я ж бл.ять любопытный)
Stranger: Слушай, а что такое 364?
You: ну по буквам
You: 3- е є
You: 6 - б
You: 4 -А
You: какбе
You: Сіш чувак)
You: ті неиграеш там ну в Контру
You: Вар крафт?
Stranger: Неа
Stranger: Впень
You: О_о
Stranger: Да и лень
Stranger: Так что на том сайте
Stranger: Расскажи про meatspin?
You: На http://www.meatspin.com ?
Stranger: Да
You: ну заходи узнаеш,
You: хотя я тибе не советую
Stranger: Я хочу здоровую психику)
Stranger: Ну расскажи)
Stranger: В общих чертах)
ПАТЦАНІ!! ч0 ответить парню?
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 01:58 |
You: ну короч
You: порнуха
You: в обшем
You: нетрадицыонная
You: или как там ишшо
You: впринцыпе 18 есть такшо мож непарицца
Stranger: Чем нетрадиционная-то?
Stranger: Почему стоять не будет?))
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 02:04 |
Короч я в очке походу, конец фильма походу он зашол:
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 02:13 |
ХА-ХА. Ваще жесть. Эротическая переписка с кем-то из Дамаска. Просил у меня номер - скинул аську Угораева. Просил мыло - дал ему мыло Ч0рного Властелина 
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: girl ?
You: hi
You: yes girl
You: I'm from Chernobyl
Stranger: hey
You: natasha 24
Stranger: I'm from Damascus
Stranger: Dante 25
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
Stranger: nice
You: This I leave
Stranger: cool
You: That I am in Greece
Stranger: give me ur number
You: How are you?
Stranger: good
Stranger: U ?
You: You listened Danzel - You Spin Me Round?
You: My favorite song
You: visit http://www.meatspin.com this is my home page
Stranger: u r so sexy
Stranger: give me ur number
You: 401666402 - ICQ
Stranger: thnks
Stranger: do u have photo of ur boobs
You: you like guys with mitspin?
You: meatspin
Stranger: nice
You: hot guys
Stranger: I'm very hot
Stranger: do u have videos
You: you have a large?
Stranger: how can I c u ?
You: long?
Stranger: large wt ?
You: вшсл
You: dick
Stranger: long dick
Stranger: oh yeah
You: I want your suck dick
You: I like big
Stranger: I want 2 suck ur nipples
Stranger: I like nipples
You: I love Sado-Mazo
Stranger: do u have a webcam
You: You like sado-Mazo?
You: no web cam
You: show me your big dick
Stranger: oh yeah
You: I want him to swallow
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: is coming
You: together with balls
Stranger: yeah
You: What position are you more like?
Stranger: I want 2 c ur nipples
You: 69?
You: ohhh yeaaaaahh
Stranger: yeah 69
Stranger: give me ur email
You: you sexy cowboy
Stranger: ahhh
You: Catch me with the lasso
Stranger: I like big boobs and twisted nipples
You: ohhhh
Stranger: give me ur email
Stranger: shit
You: I've spent the whole thy navel
Stranger: lot of cum
Stranger: do u have an email ?
You: wait a second!
You: ibrk4men@aol.com
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
reed- @ 31.05.09 02:24 |
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hej!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: !
You: country?
Stranger: country country
You: yea
You: you from?
You: female?
Stranger: from country
Stranger: blonde
You: Русский чтоле?
Stranger: йопт. спалилсо 
You: ахахахах
You: бл9ть
Stranger: )))
You: вот сижу тут уже час
Stranger: ржу )))
Stranger: одни русские?
You: нет )))
You: ты первый )))
You: ты от куда?
Stranger: я зп пол часа уже на 4го попал 
Stranger: Украина 
Stranger: Киев
You: с сайта хабр?
Stranger: хабраэффект 
Stranger: А ты?
You: щас линк дам
You: сек
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: прочитай можешь найдешь тут ми себе
You: себя*
You: я так понял русский на русского тут попасть не могут
You: ))
Stranger: ХЗ )
Stranger: Ну мы всегда выкртимся )
Stranger: Stranger: hello
You: привет чатланин!
Stranger: i dont speak chinese
You: ыыы ты кого китайцем обозвал???
Stranger: ur fat. i hate you. bye
You: ванючка, ставь русскую раскладку и будем базарить!
Stranger: )))
You: это ты? )))
Stranger: Та перлов уже набралось )
You: хахаха
Stranger: можно баш новый открывать ))
You: да уж ))
Stranger: Stranger: hey
You: привет чувак!
Stranger: en puhu venajaa
You: ты что это пишешь? ты не русский? что за пуха?
Stranger: Я не говорю по-русски !!
Stranger: ))
You: xDDD
Stranger: Stranger: AWKWARD!
You: Воистину AWKWARD!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Это у вас там в блоке столько размещают?
Stranger: что?
You: цитаты у вас там в блоке размещают тоже?
Stranger: нет )
Stranger: пока всё на уровне переписки в асе 
You: ))) ну вот я дал тебе сайтик там на форуме все крутые цитаты выкладывают ))))
You: можешь потом глянуть
You: You: is ther somebody?
You: O_O
Stranger: hi stranger
You: hihihihihihi
Stranger: korean?
You: no russian)
Stranger: ну я тоже
You: 36484
Stranger: лан бывай
You: 66
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: )))
Stranger: может это у него пятизнак? 
You: не
You: это так скрыто
You: слова
You: 3=Е 6=Б 4=А 8=Н 4=A
Stranger: Ы
Stranger: спасибо ;) буд знать
Stranger: Ладно, я спать ;)
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 02:49 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: х.уй
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asL?
You: natasha 24 Brablay
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
You: I am in Greece
You: visit http://www.meatspin.com this is my home page
Stranger: haha im not stupid
Stranger: meatspin is a nasty site
You: hot guys))
Stranger: no
Stranger: its 2 guys f.uckin
You: yes hot
Stranger: im not gay
You: hahahaha
You: i love meatspin ans Danzel
You: You listened Danzel - You Spin Me Round?
You: My favorite song
Stranger: ive listened to flo rida -right round
You: you were on the brablay?
Stranger: what
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
Stranger: yah im confused
You: you sexy cowboy
Stranger: i know
You: Catch me with the lasso
Stranger: easy its a big lasso
You: show me your big dick
You: I want him to swallow
You: together with balls
You: You like sado-Mazo?
Stranger: to bad my dick douesnt get posted on the internet
You: hahaaha
You: you have a good sense of humor
Stranger: of course i do
You: you have good skill of the bomb?
Stranger: maybe i do
Stranger: maybe i dont
Stranger: maybe i dont know
Stranger: maybe i do know
You: You play in Counter-Strike?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: dont play video games often
You: I am a professional player
Stranger: a proffesional game player
Stranger: amazing
You: Team virtus - pro
Stranger: nub
Stranger: haha
You: Today we took first place with a prize of 10000$
Stranger: so that means your a fat person living in your moms basement"
Stranger: ?
You: Bets team in Brablay
You: what?
You: you have a big dick?
Stranger: of course
You: you lear)))
Stranger: nope
You: show me
Stranger: didnt i already say it douesnt get posted on the internet
You: photo
You: I can suck your dick on the internet
Stranger: no you cant
You: with balls
You: What position are you more like?
Stranger: now wouldnt you like to know
You: 69?
Stranger: 69 standing is better
You: I want to swallow your dick
You: yum yum yum
Stranger: you couldnt
You: I want to eat your balls
Stranger: nope
Stranger: cuz for 1 you couldnt my dick in your mouth
You: do you want me to undress?
Stranger: wouldnt matter since i couldnt see any pics
You: Do you work at IT?
You: IT-man excite me
Stranger: wait are you a guy or a girl
You: girl
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
Stranger: and how can i be sure
Stranger: you already posted that pic
Stranger: if u can get a different one ill believe you
You: I am in Greece
You: Why? You do not believe that I am a girl?
Stranger: cuz its not hard to find 1 pic of someone on the internet
You: congratulations! It was a joke Brablay hahahhaa
You: logs here http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
Маяковский @ 31.05.09 03:03 |
You: hello!
Stranger: hey
You: what's up?
Stranger: asl ?
You: пошел накуй мудк
You: that's ok?
Stranger: what ?
You: пошел накуй мудк, what's problem?
Stranger: i dont know what thats mean..
You: Oh shit, than you must visit meatspin.com - this is the answer!
через 30 секунд:
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 03:13 |
Просто песец 12 летняя американка хочет встречатса с парнем и слова: i masturbate everytime i can : миня добили 
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: asc?
You: 18/m/Ukr
You: you
Stranger: 12/f/usa
You: nice
Stranger: why?
You: why not?
Stranger: you are too old for me, no?
You: oh
You: no)
Stranger: its like 6 years
You: My mother is older than father for 10 years
Stranger: wow
Stranger: that isnt a bad thing?
You: Its normal
You: in age M > F
You: almost always
Stranger: well, but what about if someone see us kissing?
You: when maried
Stranger: it would be strange
Stranger: dont know
Stranger: but now, it would be strange
You: in 17 years is not terribly
You: or older)
You: my first date was in 14 year)
You: it was scary))
Stranger: you know, I like to play with myself
You: 1th
Stranger: I want to do it with a boy
Stranger: but it scare me
Stranger: a friend told me that it hurts
Stranger: so I dont want to do that
You: better to start a little young
You: see herself
You: Looking for answers in the Internet?
Stranger: no
You: no noce^^
You: nice)
Stranger: just, someone that listen to me
Stranger: I dont wanna tell this to my daddy
Stranger: i want to be with a boy
Stranger: but i dont want to get hurt
Stranger: i masturbate everytime i can
You: O_o
You: I have no child psychologist
You: cannot help)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Маяковский @ 31.05.09 03:17 |
You: hello!
Stranger: heyyyy
Stranger: female?
Stranger: male?
You: f
You: and u...
Stranger: male
Stranger: where are you from?
You: from meatspin.com of course!
Stranger: ummm
Stranger: ok
Stranger: im a london boy
You: ou!
You: thats unbelievable
You: cause i'm from london too
Stranger: oo where abouts?
You: i live in trafalgar sqare, i'm homeless!
Stranger: lies
You: not
You: come there and check
You: everybody knows me
Stranger: i live brixton
You: my name is Brabley
You: and u...
Stranger: felix
You: felix - is like a gelix, but felix?
Stranger: YES
Stranger: exactly
You: this is unbelievable
Stranger: not very
You: london is a capital of Great Britain O_O
Stranger: shit
Stranger: really?
Stranger: ....................................
You: yea, i heard it on TV some hours ago and was shoked by this fact!
Stranger: oh mu
Stranger: god
Stranger: you aint no brit
Stranger: swear down
Stranger: you come down my endz
You: will you shit brix?
Stranger: you get banged up enit
Stranger: ye
Stranger: im about to come
Stranger: btw
You: do you like to shit the brix?
Stranger: i like to have sex
You: so am I
You: let's try may be?
Stranger: try wut/?
You: ok. visit meatspin.com and found Brabley it will be easy and than...
You: you will be shit the brix
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 03:20 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: х.уй
Stranger: ??
You: х.уй будешь нюхать?
Stranger: what?
You: visit http://www.meatspin.com this is my home page
You: hot guys
Stranger: oh!!
Stranger: good good
You: good)))
You: good?
Stranger: ye!
You: yeaaahhhhhhhhhhh
Stranger: i''m so hot
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/ - It was a joke Brablay
You: You hot Gay?
Stranger: no
Stranger: girl
You: ohhhhh
You: gooooooooooooooood
Stranger: yes~ goooood~!
You: asl?
Stranger: asl?
You: 24 m Brablay
You: IT man
Stranger: im
Stranger: 19
Stranger: girl
You: learn?
You: or work?
Stranger: leam
You: What is your name?
Stranger: sung mi
Stranger: ak
Stranger: ah
Stranger: you know?
You: nice name
You: Gobedan Poend
Stranger: I want kill you!!!!! shit! damn it! get out hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Больная какая-то
reed- @ 31.05.09 03:24 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how is your day?
You: cool
You: i''m funny )
Stranger: great )))
You: female?
Stranger: gay )
You: it''s realy?
You: really*
Stranger: yep
You: your passive or active?
Stranger: versatile, but prefer to be passive, i think, it depends
You: you like visits site is meatspin.com
You: ?
Stranger: no, i don''t know anything about that site. need to take a look ))
You: haha
Stranger: fuuun 
You: ahahah good site?
Stranger: not realy )) but funny song )) "right round baby right round"!
You: you like song?? )
You: it''s Danzel xDD
Stranger: no, i''m kidding )
Stranger: i am fan of tori amos, danzel is not my type )
You: ок
You: You have a friend the gay?
Stranger: boyfriend? yes. but he lives in another city and i can''t move there now, so we see each other not very often
Stranger: where are you from? i see you use the translator
You: yea. i from russia
You: u?
Stranger: hate habr )) why don''t you improve your english? if you use habr, so you are from IT, so you NEED english. it is a shame to use the translator ))
You: No, thus I practise English more, I learn more words, and to me that will tell another time.
You: u from?
Stranger: samara )
You: hahaha
You: Русский?
Stranger: yessss ) do you think that non-russians know about habr? ))
You: habr?
You: я думал это переводчик )))
You: так у буржуев )
You: как про сайт узнал? )
Stranger: http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/i_am_insane/60912/
Stranger: and after this post number of russians here became insane ))
You: хахах
You: а мы на проплейй сидим
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: над буржуями прикалываемся
Stranger: great ))) russians are cruel ))))
You: а ты я вижу тут не плохо практикуешь свой английский )))
Stranger: not really. i write a lot (technical docs at work), but almost cannot speak
Stranger: so i can''t study something new here )
You: понятно
Stranger: but f*ckin'' capitalists are really amusing, that''s right )
You: дак да ))))
Stranger: i''m going to sleep, sorry ) have a nice night!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
voin_brableya[iz bana] @ 31.05.09 03:27 |
You: hi
Stranger: превед!
You: kak dela?
You: voen brableya
Stranger: заебцом!
You: как жена?
Stranger: сидит чатица с кем то
You: уверен шо не на мидспине?
Stranger: где?
You: www.meatspin.com
You: не знаеш?
Stranger: не
Stranger: на омегле
You: это самый популярный сайт среди нас
You: загляни
Stranger: ща погодь
Stranger: пидрский чят какойто
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 03:33 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: 26
Stranger: f
Stranger: turkey
You: 26
You: m
You: ukraine
Stranger: finee
Stranger: how are you
You: Im fine
You: wat about you?
Stranger: little sleppy
You: oh me2
You: time?
You: In ukraine 2:20
You: night
Stranger: aaaaaaaaaaaa
Stranger: same
Stranger: 2:20
You: ah
You: yeah))
You: Turkey
Stranger: yess
You: its south
Stranger: it nort
Stranger: and cold
You: Cold? O_o
You: Ok
You: In Ukraine so worm
You: 25-30 C
Stranger: samee
Stranger: but you winter
Stranger: cold better turkey
You: yeah in winter real cold
You: just klimat
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ather subject
You: say something in Turkish)
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: you trehere
Stranger: tamam
Stranger: ist
Stranger: ok
Stranger: friend
Stranger: its
Stranger: arkada_1m
You: Я кохаю тебе!
Stranger: mean?
You: - im love you
You: In ukraine
You: Я кохаю тебе!
Stranger: h1mmm
Stranger: you tell me?
Stranger: veryy early
You: just run a conversation
Stranger: okk
Stranger: your people very beatiful
Stranger: man or girl
Stranger: good
Stranger: day
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 03:38 |
Встретил настоящего гея 
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: х.уй
Stranger: homo
You: gay
Stranger: lдski
You: yea im gay
Stranger: nice me too
You: yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
You: good
You: visit http://www.meatspin.com this is my home page
Stranger: no way (:
You: hot guys
Stranger: thats true ;)
You: yes
You: you liked?
Stranger: sure, i love this site. its my fav
Stranger: so i have to go to f.uck my bf. see ya
You: yeah
You: You listened Danzel - You Spin Me Round?
You: My favorite song
Stranger: mine too (:
You: What is your favorite radio?
Stranger: gay_radio
Stranger: <3
You: What position are you more like?
Stranger: doggy style
You: 69?
Stranger: its good too
You: ohhh nice
You: tell. How are you?
Stranger: Hey sorry i reallly have to go to shag my bf
Stranger: bye bye sorry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Loobooq @ 31.05.09 03:41 |
саепали спрашивать ч0 такое ASL, ето age sex location - возраст, пол, откуда ты
perehodi еbl @ 31.05.09 04:03 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: show me ur tits
You: х.уй
Stranger: не спится?
You: ха-ха здОРОВА!
You: С Браблея?
Stranger: нет
Stranger: что такое браблей?
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
You: Ты откуда?
Stranger: ууууууууу
Stranger: ну п.издец
Stranger: ты такого не знаешь
You: Хабр
Stranger: и лучше не знать
Stranger: неа
You: ну скажи
You: лепра
Stranger: не
Stranger: хуже
You: не?
Stranger: двачи
You: УС?
You: Ты с УСа что-ли?
Stranger: что такое ус?
You: лучше тебе не знать
Stranger: оке
You: легче будет
You: Знаешь про http://www.meatspin.com Охуительный сайт
You: Весь Браблей его посещает
Stranger: ты бялть это
Stranger: я не первый день в инете
You: ХА-ХА-ХА! Был уже?
Stranger: а если вы его посещаете - че могу сказать
Stranger: года два назад еще видел это говно
You: Не понравилось?
You: Горячие парни же
Stranger: vepsrf hfpdt xnj
Stranger: музыка разве что
Stranger: музыка крутая
You: Особенно тот, что сверху
You: Да, Danzel - You Spin Me Round - это ч0ткая тема
You: Ты сам то откуда?
You: Город
Stranger: какой данзел?
Stranger: это dead or alive
You: Ого, да ты спец, я смотрю
Stranger: это старый синтипоп
You: danzel просто сделал ремикс
You: А занешь из какого фильма он?
Stranger: неа
Stranger: ремикс ты имеешь в виду?
You: не, dead or alive
You: Блин, у меня тоже из головы вылетело
You: Ну это короче самый популярный геевский фильм
Stranger: самый популярный?
Stranger: хз
Stranger: я знаю точно что сами деад ор элайв геи
Stranger: а так хз
You: ну да
You: А ты сам айтишник?
Stranger: нет
Stranger: ты че
Stranger: упаси господь
Stranger: в смысле айтишники ладно
Stranger: но не мое
You: А что в этом такого?
You: Нормальная профессия
Stranger: я сказал не мое
Stranger: я не рублю в этом
You: А в каком направлении рубишь?
Stranger: ну хз
Stranger: вот на архитектора учусь
You: О, это хорошая профессия. Успехов!
Stranger: угм
You: Ну, удачи тебе! Заходи на Браблей иногда. У нас есть двачеры, кстати, но их мало
Stranger: да ну его
Stranger: я не люблю их
You: кого? двачеров?
Stranger: ну ты знаешь - нерды не любят нердов
Stranger: l''''
Stranger: дэ
Stranger: лан пойду я
Stranger: давай
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
s0lid @ 31.05.09 04:04 |
пишу по памяти
Stranger: I am drunk
Stranger: last day of school
You: Did you find a drunk girl for you?
Stranger: I am girl 
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 04:05 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi!
You: hi
Stranger: do you speak rusian?
You: asl?
You: DA
You: O DA
You: OMG
Stranger: OMGGGG.
Stranger: OMFG
Stranger: OMFG
Stranger: OMFG
Stranger: OMFG
You: 364
Stranger: ROFLOL
You: Brablay?
Stranger: ja man
You: ja toje
Stranger: chill
Stranger: no really
You: Ua from Ukraine
Stranger: do you speak russian?
Stranger: nooo
Stranger: im from russia
You: Омг
Stranger: .
Stranger: nee grapje
You: Конешна
You: о чом ты
Stranger: ik kom uit nederland. 
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
fun.Grubby @ 31.05.09 04:37 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how r u
You: im sad
Stranger: why
Stranger: wht _s the wrong
You: dont know
Stranger: name?
You: jast sad
You: just
Stranger: from?
You: Ukr
Stranger: name?
You: Natasha
You: you?
Stranger: age.?
You: 22
Stranger: im dimitri from greece
Stranger: 25
You: have you photo?
Stranger: lets talk on msn if u wanna
Stranger: u can see me on msn
You: Im have not msn
Stranger: i have cam
You: ICQ?
You: me2
Stranger: yahoo?
You: cam
Stranger: i dont have icq
You: im use only ICQ
Stranger: can u get msn?
You: are you shemale?
Stranger: no
Stranger: male
You: f
Stranger: im handsome boy
Stranger: pls get msn id
Stranger: can u?
You: my photo:
You: send my mail
You: ibrk4men@aol.com
You: you photo
You: please
Stranger: i add u my msn
Stranger: are u on line?
You: MSN
You: Im have not MST
You: MSN
Stranger: can u take msn?
Stranger: now?
You: no
You: man
Stranger: wait i will take icq
Stranger: ok
You: man can you tace ICQ?
Stranger: gimme ur id
You: Ok
Stranger: icq id
You: Im witing..
Stranger: how can i add u?
You: 401666402 - ICQ
You: yeah
You: im online
Stranger: wait im downloading
Stranger: wait ok
You: kk
хз Ч0 дальше будет как он добавит асю Угораева
Чайный пьяница @ 31.05.09 04:54 |
Stranger: What's so interesting about a swinging dick?
You: dunno, why? i know that you like it, some one says it to me 
Stranger: I did not like it. But since you're the one who's advertising it, maybe you like it.
спалил сцуко
kostMan @ 31.05.09 05:26 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: what''s your name?
You: where a you from?
Stranger: Cindy, Vermont
Stranger: u?
You: Konstantin. from Russia)
Stranger: how''s the rubel doing?
You: dont understand)
You: my englesh so bed(
Stranger: isn''t that your currency?
Stranger: the Rubel
You: 0_0
Stranger: your money? Rubel?
You: no
Stranger: what is it?
You: f@ck...
You: yea rubel
You: but
Stranger: caught you, asshole
кризис у людей
Нeждан @ 31.05.09 05:41 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: not you again!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Нeждан @ 31.05.09 05:42 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You:.................................................. ..........................._,-~"ЇЇ"~-,
.................................................. ................__„-~"ЇЇ:::,-~~-,_::::"-
.................................................. ..........„~"Ї::::::::::::::"::::::::::::::::::
.................................................. .__„„„-"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,
..........................................__-~"::,-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~-,
..........................._______~"___-~":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::::"-,
......................,~"::::::::::::::ЇЇ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,: |
...................,'::::::::,-~~"~"_::',::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::,~ ':'-,::',"-::'':"::::::::|:|/
......,':::::::,'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :,-'/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,--'::::::/"~'
..../:::::::::|:::::::::::::„---~~""ЇЇЇ::',:::::,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,'::::::::::: |_,-'
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,_::|::: : : : : : |: : ::::::::/:/ raaaaaaaawr
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::"-':::: : : : : : |: : :::::::|::|
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::: ::::: : : : : : : : : |:::::|::|;;
::::::::::::::::::"-,:::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::::/| ,: : : : : : : |::::,'/|::::|
:::::::::::::::::::::"-,:::::::::::::::"-,_::::::::::|:/|,: : : : : : : |::: |'-,/|:::|
::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,_::::::::::::::"~-,_:::"-,/|/::::::::::: ::: "-/|::|
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,__:::::::::::',"-,:::"_|/:|: : : : ::":/||
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,_:::::::::::"~/_:|:|: : : '-,::"::,'
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"-,_:'-,:::::::::"-,|:||,-, : '-,:::|-'-„
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,-,'"-:"~,:::::"/_/::|-/--';;:::/: ||-,
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :/...'-,::::::"~„::::"-,/_:|:/:/|/|/|_/:|
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |......"-,::::::::"~-:::::""~~~"Ї:::|
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |........."-,_:::::::::::::::::::::::::/
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............."~--„_____„„-~~"
a wild t-rex appears!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
0HaToL3 @ 31.05.09 06:12 |
Stranger: hi
You: hiho
Stranger: dont say als or asl
You: o_O
You: what is it
You: als or asl
Stranger: dont know?
You: no
You: o_O
Stranger: when i enter the chating room
Stranger: people say that
Stranger: als = age, location sex
You: hehe
Stranger: asl = age, location sex
You: you're man or woman? 
Stranger: woman
Stranger: u?
You: man
You: asl?
You: ^_^
Stranger: lol
You: als
Stranger: u?
You: where are you from my sweet?
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: u too
Stranger: 20
Stranger: u?
You: im 19
Stranger: where ru from?
You: im russian guy
Stranger: ah
Stranger: russian
You: do you love russian guys?
Stranger: um
Stranger: i heard that
Stranger: they are tall and handsome
You: we are very sexy 
Stranger: lol
Stranger: cool
You: russian guys > all another
Stranger: lol
Stranger: r u hot?
You: ofcourse
You: and you?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: same
You: can i see you?
Stranger: no thanks
You: OMG
You: why
Stranger: um
Stranger: u first
You: um = its you thinking?
You: ^_^
Stranger: u smile
Stranger: very interesting
Stranger: ^_^
You: >:E
Stranger: whats that
You: •_•
Stranger: >:E
Stranger: king?
You: very angry face
You: >:E
Stranger: ah
Stranger: understand
Stranger: so
Stranger: u live in where?
You: whats ur country?
Stranger: in russia?
You: Vladivostok
You: far east
Stranger: oh
Stranger: really?
You: y
Stranger: i know there
Stranger: its interesting
You: yy
Stranger: i wanna go there
You: wanna be caller?
Stranger: actually i planned go there last year
You: im waiting you
Stranger: cool
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im from korea north
You: korean girl? 
Stranger: yep
You: i have not sex with korean girl))
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: dont say sex
You: ^_^
You: dont love sex?
Stranger: im married
You: ohhh
Stranger: love it
You: sorry)))
Stranger: but
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: interesting
You: im sure you are so beauty wife)
Stranger: can i ask a question?
You: yes
Stranger: have you ever succeed sex through this chattiog?
Stranger: chatting
You: haha
You: now
Stranger: lol
You: im first time here
Stranger: lol
You: never been here
Stranger: cute
You: 5 min before i saw this URL
You: and was connected here 
Stranger: lol
Stranger: then
Stranger: should i go to
Stranger: there?
You: there?
You: where?
Stranger: um
Stranger: Vladivostok
You: hehe)
You: ofcourse
You: i said
You: YES

Stranger: lol
Stranger: but then
Stranger: my husband?
Stranger: what should i tell him?
You: im gonna to my friend
You: in Vladivostok
Stranger: lol
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: itsinteresting
Stranger: you dont have wife?
You: no)
You: Im 19
You: not time
You: for wife)
Stranger: im 20
You: yes
You: but for me
You: its very early
You: im young
You: yet
Stranger: actually its very early right
You: =)
Stranger: me too
You: when ill be 25-28
You: then maybe
Stranger: lol
You: now im student)
You: have a student life)
Stranger: me too
Stranger: im un university
Stranger: major in design
You: Custom academy
You: lawyer
You: customs*
Stranger: um
Stranger: my husband is in university
Stranger: he is a student
You: his 20 too?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: in same university
You: in same groupp
You: )
Stranger: he majors in computer science
You: programmist?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: then...
Stranger: u have to find someone who is not a married woman
Stranger: dont u?
Stranger: seeya me sweety
You: so
You: i dont wanna find here someone
You: i just talking
You: and have fun =)
Stranger: lol
You: why u sad that
You: then...
Stranger: u have to find someone who is not a married woman
Stranger: dont u?
Stranger: seeya me sweety
Stranger: lol
Stranger: because
Stranger: at first
Stranger: i SAID
Stranger: dont say als or asl
You: my english too bad)
Stranger: me too
You: at second?
Stranger: and at second
Stranger: you ask me als
Stranger: thats all
You: haha)
You: it was a joke
Stranger: i know
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its very fun of u
You: i said because u said dont ask
Stranger: lol
Stranger: so
Stranger: in there
Stranger: what time is it?
You: 13:06
You: 1:00 AM
Stranger: um
Stranger: sunday?
You: 7
You: 7 day in week is it?
You: i forgot)
Stranger: yep
You: sunday = 6
Stranger: so
Stranger: 7 = monday?
You: ^_^
You: so
You: 1 = ?
Stranger: um
Stranger: tuesday
Stranger: ?
You: i think monday is the 1st day of the week
Stranger: its strange
You: y maybe
You: ^^
You: haha
Stranger: aha
Stranger: strange
Stranger: its 11:09 AM in here
Stranger: sunday
You: ohhh
You: 11:09 AM = morning?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: morning
Stranger: um
Stranger: actually
Stranger: i meet russian boy
Stranger: lastlastlast chatting
You: met*
Stranger: met
Stranger: sorry
You: )
You: np
You: so
You: whats he was?
Stranger: um
Stranger: he is student
Stranger: and has long black hair
You: ur chat was good?
Stranger: he shows me his picture
Stranger: um
Stranger: its boring than this
You: where are he send his photo
Stranger: wait
You: email?
0HaToL3 @ 31.05.09 07:11 |

Stranger: hi
You: hiho
Stranger: dont say als or asl
You: o_O
You: what is it
You: als or asl
Stranger: dont know?
You: no
You: o_O
Stranger: when i enter the chating room
Stranger: people say that
Stranger: als = age, location sex
You: hehe
Stranger: asl = age, location sex
You: you're man or woman? 
Stranger: woman
Stranger: u?
You: man
You: asl?
You: ^_^
Stranger: lol
You: als
Stranger: u?
You: where are you from my sweet?
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: u too
Stranger: 20
Stranger: u?
You: im 19
Stranger: where ru from?
You: im russian guy
Stranger: ah
Stranger: russian
You: do you love russian guys?
Stranger: um
Stranger: i heard that
Stranger: they are tall and handsome
You: we are very sexy 
Stranger: lol
Stranger: cool
You: russian guys > all another
Stranger: lol
Stranger: r u hot?
You: ofcourse
You: and you?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: same
You: can i see you?
Stranger: no thanks
You: OMG
You: why
Stranger: um
Stranger: u first
You: um = its you thinking?
You: ^_^
Stranger: u smile
Stranger: very interesting
Stranger: ^_^
You: >:E
Stranger: whats that
You: •_•
Stranger: >:E
Stranger: king?
You: very angry face
You: >:E
Stranger: ah
Stranger: understand
Stranger: so
Stranger: u live in where?
You: whats ur country?
Stranger: in russia?
You: Vladivostok
You: far east
Stranger: oh
Stranger: really?
You: y
Stranger: i know there
Stranger: its interesting
You: yy
Stranger: i wanna go there
You: wanna be caller?
Stranger: actually i planned go there last year
You: im waiting you
Stranger: cool
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im from korea north
You: korean girl? 
Stranger: yep
You: i have not sex with korean girl))
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: dont say sex
You: ^_^
You: dont love sex?
Stranger: im married
You: ohhh
Stranger: love it
You: sorry)))
Stranger: but
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: interesting
You: im sure you are so beauty wife)
Stranger: can i ask a question?
You: yes
Stranger: have you ever succeed sex through this chattiog?
Stranger: chatting
You: haha
You: now
Stranger: lol
You: im first time here
Stranger: lol
You: never been here
Stranger: cute
You: 5 min before i saw this URL
You: and was connected here 
Stranger: lol
Stranger: then
Stranger: should i go to
Stranger: there?
You: there?
You: where?
Stranger: um
Stranger: Vladivostok
You: hehe)
You: ofcourse
You: i said
You: YES

Stranger: lol
Stranger: but then
Stranger: my husband?
Stranger: what should i tell him?
You: im gonna to my friend
You: in Vladivostok
Stranger: lol
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: itsinteresting
Stranger: you dont have wife?
You: no)
You: Im 19
You: not time
You: for wife)
Stranger: im 20
You: yes
You: but for me
You: its very early
You: im young
You: yet
Stranger: actually its very early right
You: =)
Stranger: me too
You: when ill be 25-28
You: then maybe
Stranger: lol
You: now im student)
You: have a student life)
Stranger: me too
Stranger: im un university
Stranger: major in design
You: Custom academy
You: lawyer
You: customs*
Stranger: um
Stranger: my husband is in university
Stranger: he is a student
You: his 20 too?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: in same university
You: in same groupp
You: )
Stranger: he majors in computer science
You: programmist?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: then...
Stranger: u have to find someone who is not a married woman
Stranger: dont u?
Stranger: seeya me sweety
You: so
You: i dont wanna find here someone
You: i just talking
You: and have fun =)
Stranger: lol
You: why u sad that
You: then...
Stranger: u have to find someone who is not a married woman
Stranger: dont u?
Stranger: seeya me sweety
Stranger: lol
Stranger: because
Stranger: at first
Stranger: i SAID
Stranger: dont say als or asl
You: my english too bad)
Stranger: me too
You: at second?
Stranger: and at second
Stranger: you ask me als
Stranger: thats all
You: haha)
You: it was a joke
Stranger: i know
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its very fun of u
You: i said because u said dont ask
Stranger: lol
Stranger: so
Stranger: in there
Stranger: what time is it?
You: 13:06
You: 1:00 AM
Stranger: um
Stranger: sunday?
You: 7
You: 7 day in week is it?
You: i forgot)
Stranger: yep
You: sunday = 6
Stranger: so
Stranger: 7 = monday?
You: ^_^
You: so
You: 1 = ?
Stranger: um
Stranger: tuesday
Stranger: ?
You: i think monday is the 1st day of the week
Stranger: its strange
You: y maybe
You: ^^
You: haha
Stranger: aha
Stranger: strange
Stranger: its 11:09 AM in here
Stranger: sunday
You: ohhh
You: 11:09 AM = morning?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: morning
Stranger: um
Stranger: actually
Stranger: i meet russian boy
Stranger: lastlastlast chatting
You: met*
Stranger: met
Stranger: sorry
You: )
You: np
You: so
You: whats he was?
Stranger: um
Stranger: he is student
Stranger: and has long black hair
You: ur chat was good?
Stranger: he shows me his picture
Stranger: um
Stranger: its boring than this
You: where are he send his photo
Stranger: wait
You: email?
Stranger: http://cs4142.vkontakte.ru/u1813134/a_72eb0426.jpg
Stranger: here
You: haha
You: sec
You: i want to see
You: he's from right?
Stranger: right?
You: left right
Stranger: ah
Stranger: right
You: haha))
You: dont pretty guy?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: he and his girlfriend
Stranger: http://cs574.vkontakte.ru/u2807531/5765845/x_179c9243.jpg
You: sec
You: hehe)
You: dont like
You: his GF
Stranger: lol
Stranger: why?
You: dont pretty
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: he said that that girl is his soulmate
You: soulmate
You: what does it mean
Stranger: um
Stranger: soul mate
Stranger: soul
Stranger: mate
Stranger: okay?
You: y
You: okay)
Stranger: and
You: soulmate is it mean that his girl > ALL
You: y?
You: ^_^
Stranger: thats right
You: hehe)
Stranger: u have your picture?
You: y
You: how i can to show you
Stranger: um
Stranger: u dont have to
Stranger: do you wanna see me?
You: y
You: very interesting
Stranger: because its boring
Stranger: to make it funny
You: boring is?
You: when chat mates saw ?
Stranger: um
Stranger: i dont know
You: give me ur picture)
Stranger: ok but
Stranger: dont say ugly
Stranger: wait sec
You: ofcourse
Stranger: http://www.bbun.com/club/club_01/read.php?no=106
Stranger: with camera girl
Stranger: its me
You: =)
You: beauty girl
Stranger: hehe thanks but i have husband
Stranger: =)
Stranger: lol
You: np
You: ))
You: i dont have plans about you)
Stranger: i know
Stranger: just joking
You: =)
You: im understand
You: i dont know site
You: where i can download
Stranger: =)
You: my photo
You: for show to you
Stranger: um
Stranger: i dont know exactly
You: http://vkontakte.ru/id6426960
You: try come here
Stranger: oh my
Stranger: i have to login to enter the page
You: yy
You: i knew that
You: sec
You: do u know what i like more in this chat?
You: and what here more interesting
Stranger: what?
You: If our chat will be disconected we never meet anywhere)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: yep
Stranger: maybe we never meet each other
Stranger: never
Stranger: its funny
You: y)
You: do u have e-mail adress?
Stranger: yeah
You: i can send there
Stranger: alicej0908@kaist.ac.kr
You: hehe)
You: just a moment
Stranger: yep
You: was sended
You: check ur e-mail
Stranger: wait
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i see u
You: haha)
Stranger: oh
Stranger: interesting
Stranger: cool
You: ^_^
Stranger: =)
Stranger: place in the picture is vladivostok?
You: no
You: Lesozavodsk
You: in 300 km from vladivostok
Stranger: ah
You: city where are i was born
Stranger: aha
You: in vladivostok im studiny
You: already 3 years
Stranger: ah
Stranger: u know seoul?
You: y
Stranger: im born in there
Stranger: and i study in other city
Stranger: just like u
You: yy
You: understand)
You: how often
Stranger: =)
You: u come to home?
Stranger: um
Stranger: in vacation and weekend?
Stranger: im in seoul now
Stranger: but
You: i love this word WEEKEND
You: WEEK is END)
Stranger: =)
Stranger: right
Stranger: i love too
You: )))
Stranger: r u a christian?
You: y
Stranger: um
Stranger: just wonder
Stranger: i have no religion
You: here may trenning able to speaking on other languages)
You: why u havent
Stranger: um
Stranger: i dont understand
Stranger: why i dont say other languages?
You: i want to say, that when u chatting with peoples on english languages
You: its good
You: and ull be know this language better
Stranger: ah
Stranger: thats right
Stranger: im not good at english
Stranger: but through this kinds of chatting i learned many things
You: can u write by english word on korean something?
Stranger: yep
You: try)
Stranger: like
Stranger: kimchi?
You: like = kimchi?
Stranger: no~
Stranger: ah
Stranger: i understand
You: haha))
Stranger: love in korean
Stranger: sarang
Stranger: love = sarang
You: ))
Stranger: i love you = sarang heyo
You: Hi = Privet
You: eng = rus
Stranger: privet
You: Bye = Poka
Stranger: poka
You: )))
Stranger: sute
Stranger: cute
Stranger: poka
You: when ull meet
You: russian guys here
You: say to him Privet)
Stranger: privet
You: how are you? = kak dela?
Stranger: kak dela
Stranger: cute
You: )))
Stranger: =)
You: good = horosho
You: bad = ploho
Stranger: horosho
Stranger: ploho
You: ))
You: nice 
Stranger: kak dela?
You: horosho)
Stranger: horosho =)
You: sarang heyo
You: haha))
Stranger: poka~
Stranger: =)
You: no)
Stranger: hehe
You: no poka
You: yet)
Stranger: question!
Stranger: when type 'privet'
Stranger: privet (x?)
Stranger: Privet(o)?
Stranger: capital letter
You: what is it
You: (x?)
You: (o)?
Stranger: um
Stranger: privet = is it wrong?
You: ahhh
You: Privet its with friends
You: Zdrastvuyte!
Stranger: zdrastvuyte
You: it is not wrong)
Stranger: i cant say that
Stranger: zdrastvuyte
Stranger: interesting
You: why cant
Stranger: um
You: Zdrastvuyte it is official
Stranger: i dont know how to pronunciate
Stranger: zdrastvuyte
You: pronunciate = how to say?
You: ^^
Stranger: yep
You: hehe)
Stranger: then
You: Good morning = dobroe utro
Stranger: dodroe utro
You: Good evening = dobriy vecher
Stranger: then
Stranger: horosho utro?
You: no
Stranger: utro = morning?
You: utro = morning
You: good = dobroe (horosho)
Stranger: ah
You: horosho its not for moning
Stranger: ah
You: good job = horoshaya rabota
Stranger: oh
You: good morning = dobroe utro
Stranger: understand
You: 2 sense
You: =)
You: write to your husband
You: Ti - vse chto mne nuzhno!
You: = All i need is you
Stranger: ah
You: or
Stranger: thank u
You: Ya lublu tebya! = I love you
You: no problem)
Stranger: good
Stranger: ya = i ?
You: y
Stranger: Ya lublu tebya! = I love you
You: lubit' = yo love
You: to love*
You: y
Stranger: aha
You: eng = rus = kor i love you = ya lublu tebya = sarang heyo
Stranger: good
Stranger: =)
You: ))
Stranger: from learned
Stranger: Privet!
Stranger: kak dela?
You: horosho
You: privet
Stranger: horosho
Stranger: dobroe utro
You: dobroe)
Stranger: Ya lublu tebya
Stranger: poka
You: i love you too)
Stranger: =)
Stranger: cute language
You: cute is ?
Stranger: yep
You: what does mean
You: cute
You: hard?
Stranger: no
Stranger: it sounds cute
You: ok
You: understand)
Stranger: then
Stranger: whats ur favorite food?
You: hmm
You: i havent favorite food
You: when im hungry
You: i love all
Stranger: =)
Stranger: same
You: ))
You: hehe
Stranger: you guys use chopsticks?
You: chopsticks?
You: / ?
Stranger: yep
You: haha
You: lol)
You: no)))
Stranger: ah
You: dont like fast food
You: hot-dog
You: etc...
You: but when im in academy
You: and wanna eat
Stranger: yep
You: we eating that)
Stranger: ah
Stranger: i see
Stranger: dont us chopsticks
Stranger: then
Stranger: use knife?
You: y)
You: for cut bread
You: and etc)
Stranger: ah
Stranger: thats interesting
You: u dont cut bread by knife?
Stranger: no
You: by hands?))
Stranger: we usually dont eat bread
You: or mouth)
You: ahh
Stranger: um maybe mouth or hads
Stranger: not knife
You: or chopsticks)
Stranger: right
Stranger: lol
You: korean kitchen is good?
Stranger: good
Stranger: veryvery
You: ok
You: wait me
You: im gonna there)
Stranger: hehe
You: let me chance to eat that)
Stranger: sure
Stranger: im good at cooking
Stranger: welcome
Stranger: =)
You: Wow))
You: ur husband is lucker
Stranger: yep
You: )))
You: girl in kitchen is very good)
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: u good at cooking?
You: im living alone
You: my family in lesozavodsk
You: im in vladivostok
You: we bought apartament where i live now)
Stranger: yeah
You: im coocking for me
Stranger: ah
You: i like that)
You: how i can do it
Stranger: yep
You: but its more better when to do girl
Stranger: lol
Stranger: good
Stranger: like me?
Stranger: hehe
You: i dont know)
You: like you))
You: at first i must to eat ur food)
You: then ask me))
You: about that))
Stranger: yep
Stranger: so
You: but
You: anyway
You: im agree)
Stranger: =)
You: our chat continiuing already is?
You: 1 hour
You: o_O
Stranger: ye
Stranger: but
Stranger: i even dont know ur name
You: haha)))
You: Kostya
You: !
You: ur?
Stranger: da jeong
You: Da jeong?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: it means lots of kindness
You: hard to dont forget)
Stranger: =)
Stranger: so
Stranger: Kostya
You: Da jeong
Stranger: i have to go to bed now
You: da jeong
You: da jeong)
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: e-mail me
You: okay
You: thanks for all
Stranger: thanks for all too
Stranger: have a nice day
You: i hope will meet soon)
You: thx
You: u too
Stranger: yep
Stranger: see ya~
Stranger: =)
You: sleep sweety)
You: sweet dreams)
You: in the bed)
Stranger: =)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Живу по закону Джоуля-Ленца @ 31.05.09 09:22 |
Поцан - Жертва: hi
You: hi
Поцан - Жертва: asl?
You: from/
You: 35
Я - Воин броблея: man
Поцан - Жертва: 35?
Я - Воин броблея: warior of broblay
Я - Воин броблея: yeah
Поцан - Жертва: so old~
Поцан - Жертва: oh....
Я - Воин броблея: know broblay ?
Поцан - Жертва: broblay ?
Я - Воин броблея: yes
Поцан - Жертва: no~
Я - Воин броблея: this is site about cybersport
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Поцан - Жертва: sorry~
Я - Воин броблея: what?
Поцан - Жертва: oh
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Поцан - Жертва: i see
Я - Воин броблея: где рокета?*
Поцан - Жертва: what?
Я - Воин броблея: Я - Воин броблея may see theme about omegle !
Я - Воин броблея: http://proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/
Поцан - Жертва: oh~
Я - Воин броблея: what Я - Воин броблея in this site?
Я - Воин броблея: play in counter strike?
Поцан - Жертва: I've seen in
Поцан - Жертва: no
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Поцан - Жертва: just
Поцан - Жертва: see
Я - Воин броблея: a'yoг from?
Я - Воин броблея: are Я - Воин броблея from?
Поцан - Жертва: my?
Я - Воин броблея: Я - Воин броблея
Поцан - Жертва: korea
Я - Воин броблея: real ?
Поцан - Жертва: Я - Воин броблея hate korea?
Я - Воин броблея: no
Я - Воин броблея: know moon>?
Поцан - Жертва: moon?
Я - Воин броблея: moon
Я - Воин броблея: sky
Я - Воин броблея: shy
Поцан - Жертва: i know
Я - Воин броблея: in korea heav social web?
Поцан - Жертва: social web?
Я - Воин броблея: yes
Я - Воин броблея: vkontakte.ru
Поцан - Жертва: what is it?
Я - Воин броблея: odnoklassniki.ru
Я - Воин броблея: this is social web
Поцан - Жертва: oh~
Поцан - Жертва: i see
Я - Воин броблея: find friends
Я - Воин броблея: know smile shoked ?
Поцан - Жертва: smile shoked ?
Я - Воин броблея: yeah
Поцан - Жертва: no~
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: 0_O
Поцан - Жертва: sorry~
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: see that
Поцан - Жертва: Я - Воин броблеяng, so I do not know
Поцан - Жертва: sorry~
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Поцан - Жертва: i'm so yuung
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: 13 age ?
Поцан - Жертва: no
Поцан - Жертва: South Korea at the age of 19 years old
Я - Воин броблея: schoolboy detected
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: play starcraft?
Я - Воин броблея: know site in up aim recation ?
Я - Воин броблея: aim400kg.ru go go go best site !
Поцан - Жертва: ha?
Поцан - Жертва: aim400?
Я - Воин броблея: г
Я - Воин броблея: y
Я - Воин броблея: aim400kg.ru
Я - Воин броблея: up up up aim reaction
Я - Воин броблея: need so that shot in head !
Я - Воин броблея: wcg asus dream hack
Поцан - Жертва: Я - Воин броблея play starcraft?
Я - Воин броблея: no
Я - Воин броблея: i cs 16
Поцан - Жертва: no?
Поцан - Жертва: cs?
Я - Воин броблея: counter strike !
Поцан - Жертва: oh!~
Поцан - Жертва: haha
Я - Воин броблея: dont know?
Поцан - Жертва: I know
Я - Воин броблея: warcraft and cs
Поцан - Жертва: Both
Я - Воин броблея: like alcohol
Поцан - Жертва: cs to some
Я - Воин броблея: ?
Поцан - Жертва: Я - Воин броблея like alcohol?
Я - Воин броблея: Я - Воин броблея?
Поцан - Жертва: no
Я - Воин броблея: i drink sometime
Поцан - Жертва: Are minors
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: what drink in korea ?
Поцан - Жертва: South Korea at the age of 20 years of age
Поцан - Жертва: ok?
Поцан - Жертва: i'm 19
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: else go in prison ?
Поцан - Жертва: what?
Поцан - Жертва: prison?
Поцан - Жертва: me?
Я - Воин броблея: punishment
Я - Воин броблея: Я - Воин броблея
Я - Воин броблея: if Я - Воин броблея drink?
Поцан - Жертва: No thanks
Поцан - Жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: if Я - Воин броблея drink smile 20 age, go at prison?
Поцан жертва: do not drink
Поцан жертва: ;;
Поцан жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: wariors of broblay like send peoles at meatspin.com !
Я - Воин броблея: know this site?
Поцан жертва: i don;t know
Поцан жертва: sorry~
Поцан жертва: haha;;
Я - Воин броблея: want go in row of broblay wariors?
Поцан жертва: broblay wariors?
Я - Воин броблея: yeas
Поцан жертва: What do Я - Воин броблея mean?
Поцан жертва: broblay wariors
Я - Воин броблея: we are jointly attack mournfully peopls from internet
Поцан жертва: i'm sorry
Поцан жертва: Do not Я - Воин броблея understand what Я - Воин броблея're saying
Поцан жертва: bye~
Поцан жертва: sorry~
pacaNftw @ 31.05.09 10:36 |
английский не 36у, так же как и русский, но читайте
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: where are u from?
Stranger: TW
Stranger: YOU?
You: TW*
Stranger: hoho
Stranger: because....
Stranger: that's we share
You: u
pacaNftw @ 31.05.09 10:37 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: where are u from?
Stranger: TW
Stranger: YOU?
You: TW*
Stranger: hoho
Stranger: because....
Stranger: that's we share
You: u
s0lid @ 31.05.09 10:55 |
#254 Финляндия, я с ней потом часа 3 чатился
0v3r104d @ 31.05.09 12:56 |
You: hi
Stranger: i like old slutty grandmas, are you a sexy old granny?
You: ofcouse
You: very sexy
Stranger: prove it
Stranger: how old are you?
You: oohh
Stranger: ?
You: 62
Stranger: damn
Stranger: asl
You: 62 f golland
Stranger: get me hard you old whore
You: and you?
Stranger: 18 m usa
Гараж 36484 @ 31.05.09 14:22 |
Бывает и такое
ou: hiiii
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: male 19 russia
Stranger: japan/17/f
You: female?
You: cool
Stranger: yes
You: ok
Stranger: ;)
You: russia 19 blonde blue eyes
Stranger: russia f4ck
You: and i will f4ck u =)))
Stranger: ook?
Stranger: ok
You: ty^^
Stranger: delicious
You: yy
Stranger: hey
You: yes?
Stranger: japan is better than russia
You: in what?
Stranger: russia have to
Stranger: get
Stranger: out
Stranger: in earth
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: get out!!
You: japan will first 
You: where is the rocket from de_nuke?
Stranger: Japan said the two countries in the world
Stranger: Shut up and listen to me
You: окч=)
Stranger: Wait a dustpan Russia
Stranger: ok?
You: hehe ok=) wait a return of the betrezen
Stranger: Russia should get out of here
Stranger: ok?
You: u will wait ......wait........wait.....
You: then u will die
You: man
Stranger: Alaska and the subject lost
Stranger: kkk
Stranger: crasy?
Stranger: carzy?
Stranger: crazy?
You: 8==========D O: XD
Stranger: .....
Stranger: son of the beach
You: u know what mean beach?пляж)
Stranger: Poor Russia
You: hmm
Stranger: sea
You: ok
You: i will take only to you
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
Stranger: Poor Russia
You: www.meatspin.com
Stranger: Poor Russia
Poor Russia
Poor Russia
Poor Russia
You: see
You: after say
You: poor russia or not
Stranger: шeat this please
Stranger: and
Stranger: shut your mouth
Stranger: motherf4cker
You: усовец детектед ~";...;"~
Stranger: ш€
Stranger: ј8|
Stranger: ЬD
You: фыва
Stranger: LXР?
You: фыва
You: фыва
You: фыва
You: фва
You: фыва
Stranger: ш€
Stranger: KKKK
You: wanna suck my dick?
You: why stfu?
You: lol say anithyng
Stranger: фыва
You: www.meatspin.com
You: go here
You: =)
Stranger: why?
You: there i was see u
You: on top ;d
Stranger: What a place
You: just see
Stranger: no
You: www.meatspin.com and u will know
Stranger: bother me
Stranger: i see
You: japan=napaj ;d
Stranger: Jerk
Stranger: Jerk
You: can u win me in war 3 melee?
You: no of course XD
You: sucker where are you?
Stranger: мЬD р0 ьp ґ»Њ
Stranger: Russia yigini garbage, but how?
You: i can translate this shit now =)
Stranger: so?
Stranger: so?
Stranger: so?
You: speak english lol
Stranger: you tell
Stranger: that
You: how do u can know our country if u wasnt here lol
Stranger: yoi
Stranger: shut
Stranger: up
You: haha thats all what u know XD
Stranger: Jerk
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: Jerk
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: JerkJerk
Stranger: JerkJerkJerkJerkJerk
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:8==========D O:
Stranger: Jerk
Stranger: Jerk
You: sosatb =)
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: Sicko
Stranger: Sicko
You: i know only sisko =)
You: 8==========D O:
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: Russia lowered the level of
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: Russia lowered the level of
Stranger: Russia lowered the level of the whole
Stranger: kkk
You: only u know what u are writening
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: Russia lowered the level of the whole
Stranger: Russia lowered the level of the whole
Stranger: me too
Stranger: zzz
Stranger: kkk
Stranger: kkkkk
You: 8==========D O:
Stranger: kkkkk
Stranger: me too
Stranger: kkkkkk
You: do u want go for a walk?
Stranger: mirror
Stranger: no
You: go sleep schoolboy =)
Stranger: u too
Stranger: A lot of Russian women in our country
Stranger: They are all the bar girls
Stranger: kkk
You: u too u too u too stfu 36484 idiot So get the f4ck outa my face(c)
Stranger: Since your country level
You: say anithyng
Stranger: Since your country level
Stranger: Since your country level
Stranger: Since your country level
Stranger: Since your country level
Stranger: Since your country level
You: y364n bl4a
Stranger: ok?
You: ok?
You: what ok?
Stranger: jerk
You: 3610 scyk
Stranger: what?
You: eblo
Stranger: oo
Stranger: okok
You: say say :d
Stranger: okok
Stranger: okokok
Stranger: okokok
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia level
Stranger: F4ck Russia
Stranger: F4ck Russia
Stranger: F4ck Russia
You: u must know black vlastelin
You: ;d;d;d
You: he will come to u when u will sleep=)
Stranger: Привет
Stranger: Привет
You: minet
Stranger: Что ты делаешь?
You: off translator
Stranger: А?
You: O_O u must go play Dota!!
You: u friends are wait u too much
You: !
Stranger: Рефлекс
Stranger: Рефлекс
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Ezkaton @ 31.05.09 20:22 |
Stranger: doup bromeo
You: на хер пошел мдк
You: from ?
Stranger: AMERICA
Stranger: you?
You: Japan
You: We''''ll f@ck USA in Pearl Harbor ha ha ))))
D0TTER @ 31.05.09 20:46 |
You: hi
You: you from?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: germany, you?
You: russia
You: you gitler?
дурачок 074к3 @ 31.05.09 21:00 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey thar
You: hey
You: check this: http://meatspin.com
You: please
Stranger: o let me see
Stranger: his penis is going round and round
Stranger: its mesmorizing
You: lol
Stranger: WOW
Stranger: now ur turn
You: hohoohoh
Stranger: wut?
You: wut?
Stranger: whats brablay
You: this is country lol
You: but very small
You: =[
Stranger: ah how bg
You: in Moscow region
Stranger: ah kool moscow
You: u from?
Stranger: england
You: oh, you from small island?
Stranger: yes very small
You: bb
You: bye bye
Albanian @ 01.06.09 00:58 |
You: привет
Stranger: oh noes
Stranger: vodka vodka vodka
Stranger: pushkin
You: don't u know russian?
Stranger: gorbatchoww
You: ahah
Stranger: lunikoff
Stranger: rachminoff
Stranger: pushkin
Stranger: kaliskaya
You: what's linikoff and rachminoff?
You: haha
Stranger: cheap vodka
Stranger: rachminoff is produced by LIDL company
You: i don't know that
Stranger: lunikoff is something in east germany
Stranger: asl?
You: why did u think it is smthng russian?
Stranger: no i just thought about vodka
Stranger: i drink too much
You: do u like ittt?
Stranger: sure
Stranger: but my favorite is absolut
Stranger: from sweden
You: how much vodka can u drink through the evening?
Stranger: best vodka on earth
Stranger: through the evening
You: yep
Stranger: hm i would say more than half a bottle without losing self controll
You: u r so sick
Stranger: im a little bit chubby
Stranger: 104kg 1,89m
You: i'm 76kg 1.76m but i can drink about 1l through the evening
Stranger: maybe your evenings are longer in russia
Stranger: and i always drink additional beer
You: just imagine that the evening is 3-4 hours
You: so do i
Stranger: i would like to go drinking with you
You: ahah
You: go belarus
Stranger: come to germany instead =P
You: i thought ur speciality is beer)
Stranger: oh yeah
You: and sausages)
Stranger: doesnt mean that we dont drink vodka
Stranger: or whisky
Stranger: or rum
Stranger: or gin
Stranger: or ouzo
Stranger: x)
You: we just drink vodka with beer
Stranger: i love whisky the most
You: it's called ersh (vodka+beer)
Stranger: never mixed beer with vodka
You: i did
You: and beer with wine
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i drunk beer with honeywine
You: and martini with champagne
Stranger: mead
Stranger: i hate martini and champagne
Stranger: thats for bitches ;D
You: ahha
You: i'm not)
You: than how much beer can u drink through 3-4 hours?
Stranger: the many i want i think
Stranger: if i drink not too fast
You: how much exactly? xD
Stranger: well i remember i drunk 3l without any problems
Stranger: but over the whole evening
You: ohhhhh
You: ssssso little
You: and they say that germans drink very much
Stranger: we drink much
You: i can drink about 6-10l through the evening
Stranger: wow
Stranger: you will pee waterfalls
You: 3l is smthng like i didn't drink anything
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
слабаки 6л9lть!
pavloff @ 01.06.09 01:02 |
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: where are you from ?
You: hi
Stranger: usa
Stranger: you?
Stranger: hi
You: south korea
pavloff @ 01.06.09 01:03 |
You: hi
Stranger: poopin butts
Stranger: that poop more butts
Stranger: that poop more butts
Stranger: its an endless cycle
You: meatspin.com cool!
Stranger: lemonparty.com
Stranger: cool!
You: DD
You: good
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
тришестьчетыревосемьчетыре @ 01.06.09 01:28 |
Все ведутся на ту телку А-ХА-ХА 
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: http://www.meatspin.com/
Stranger: name
Stranger: ?
You: Brablay
You: you?
You: 24 f
Stranger: brablay do you wanna as birds take wing? with me
You: yes
Stranger: :=
You: nice
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
Stranger: can u wanna add me on msn?
You: That I in Greece
Stranger: jackstewardjs@hotmail.com
Stranger: i waiting
You: I do not have msn
Stranger: so give a msn
Stranger: please
You: my email ibrk4men@aol.com
You: 401666402 -ICQ
Stranger: i do not have a icq 
Stranger: please give a msn address
Stranger: i wait
You: I shall now in msn and write to you
You: ok? 
Stranger: ok
You: http://www.proplay.ru/forums/brablay/44747/#960200
You have disconnected.
тришестьчетыревосемьчетыре @ 01.06.09 01:37 |
1. Russian Federation 764
2. Ukraine 103
3. Belarus 37
4. Kazakhstan 28
5. Norway 19
6. Sweden 5
7. United States 3
8. United Kingdom 3
9. Estonia 3
10. Czech Republic 3
11. Turkey 2
12. Korea, Republic of 2
13. Germany 2
14. Uzbekistan 2
15. Moldova, Republic of 2
16. Japan 1
17. Finland 1
18. Greece 1
19. Brazil 1
20. France 1
21. Netherlands 1
22. Canada 1
23. Poland 1
24. Taiwan 1
25. Israel 1
26. Cyprus 1
27. Romania 1
drift3rrr @ 01.06.09 11:26 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: where r u from?
You: russia
You: and u?
Stranger: russia? good
Stranger: Japan
Stranger: i am a jap hahaha
You: yskoglazoe 4mo
You: You were on http://www.meatspin.com?
Stranger: oh yes
Stranger: i want suck your penis
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
kg4m3st @ 02.06.09 14:12 |
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: where are you from?
You: i from Russia andyou?
Stranger: france
Stranger: please tell me nice pornsites in the internet
iґm so horny
You: ok www.meatspin.com
Stranger: wait please...i will check this 
You: It is pleasant?
Stranger: of cause
Stranger: now iґm away...you know?!^^
You: You wish to be the actor for meatspin.com?
Stranger: know last month i was on the playboy?
Stranger: do you know this magazine?
You: ofcourse
You: You live in what city?
Stranger: paris
You: thats cool
Stranger: sso now i want to masturbate...cu   
aґnd thanks for your tip
You: www.motherman.com
Stranger: nice  
iMozg @ 02.06.09 15:07 |
Stranger: Hi i from ukraine
You: 36484?
Stranger: hells yeah
Stranger: you like borat?
kotqa @ 02.06.09 15:42 |
Stranger: what's a born-haber cycle?
You: dnt know O_O
Stranger: ih
You: but i know very good site, www.meatspin.com
You: more humor and etc
Stranger: you spin me right round baby
Stranger: right round
You: like a record baby right round 
forjke @ 02.06.09 15:50 |
 Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
haVok1 @ 02.06.09 16:06 |
oboje Takou yrapHbiu cauT Whahahah
CToko kop Yje Ou pzdc SPS AFFTOR
haVok1 @ 02.06.09 16:11 |
Я кароч захожу , и тут же спрашивают brabley???
Я пишу типо да))) Он ok buy 
Уже за3бли их походу _)) ой лол
iMozg @ 02.06.09 16:54 |
Stranger: David?
You: do you like to see some internet magic?
Stranger: IS DAVID THERE?!¬
you wanna see some magic @ 02.06.09 19:19 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how is it going?
You: go on http://meatspin.com/ You there from above
Stranger: gtfo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
havefun @ 02.06.09 19:36 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hi
You: Russia
Stranger: where r u frm?
Stranger: wow it's really international
You: yeap
Stranger: I konw Russia
Stranger: KGB
You: really?
You: KGB
You: ^^
You: u from??
Stranger: near the your nation
Stranger: Korea
You: ohh
You: i love Korea
Stranger: really?
Stranger: I love russia too
You: yeap
You: You were on http://www.meatspin.com?
Stranger: I dont know
Stranger: what's site?
You: enter
You: and join group
You: from russia with love
Stranger: loading....
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Полeзняшкин @ 02.06.09 20:16 |
Stranger: are you him?
You: hi
Stranger: are you him?
You: perehodi ebl
Stranger: what did one snowman say to the other snowman?
You: •_•
Stranger: good answer
havefun @ 02.06.09 22:29 |
Stranger: asl?
You: http:/www.meatspin.com
Stranger: NO NOT AGAIN
Stranger: SAMN YOU
Stranger: DAMN*
You: lol
You: w8
Stranger: ok
You: 20 m russia
Stranger: sweet
You: you?
Stranger: 13 m canada
You: ok
Stranger: Im just bored
Stranger: om at school
Stranger: im*
Stranger: i dunnp
Stranger: dunno*
You: FIND HER!!!!
Stranger: OK
You: +1
You: WHY????
You: 36484
Stranger: I DONT KNOW
Stranger: OMMMYGOD
Stranger: WAT TO DO????
Stranger: WAT?????
Stranger: U PLAY WOW?
You: yes
Stranger: ME TOOO
You: gj
You: what is you lvl?
Stranger: only 21
You: pff
Stranger: imma night elf druid
You: me 80
Stranger: u?
Stranger: i just started
You: ohhh
You: me orc
Stranger: dont make me fell bad...
You: warrior
Stranger: sweet
You: yeap
You: do you like russia?
Stranger: yup
Stranger: It scool
Stranger: i wanna go there
Stranger: It would be great
You: you think?
Stranger: Yeah
You: what are you mean?
Stranger: THe food is cool
Stranger: cya
Полeзняшкин @ 03.06.09 00:29 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: х%й
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
adin11 @ 03.06.09 00:30 |
Stranger: hiasl
You: hi
Stranger: asl
You: where are you from?
Stranger: ua
Stranger: u
You: see nice site www.meatspin.com
Stranger: ne
Stranger: sosi chlen
adin11 @ 03.06.09 00:33 |
Stranger: hi
You: where are u from?
Stranger: finland
You: O_O
Stranger: u?
You: Soviet Union
Stranger: neighbours 
You: see nice chat www.meatspin.com
You: how old are u ?
You: auauaua?
Stranger: 23
You: nice site?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i saw 4 rounds
adin11 @ 03.06.09 00:34 |
Stranger: i saw 4 rounds
Stranger: its u and your friend?
You: yeas my dick and your ass
Stranger: nice
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
adin11 @ 03.06.09 00:35 |
Stranger: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
4k.Grabli @ 09.06.09 01:35 |
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl ?
You: asl - asshole ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: age sex and language
You: of empires
You: i like sex
You: native !
Stranger: mee too a lot
You: woow
You: so
Stranger: yes..
Stranger: where r u from ?
You: if you like sex like me do you will surelly like this www.wowomg.com/rofl
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Шум дождя @ 09.06.09 01:50 |
Stranger: Hey
You: Hey
Stranger: How are you?
You: me
You: you mud4k?
Stranger: I have no idea what that means
You: i kill you r0t
Stranger: :S
Stranger: I'm terribly confused.
You: polieznyashki you friends?
svadebnaya kalomassa O_O @ 09.06.09 02:02 |
Stranger: heya
Stranger: could you be, by any chance, a horny girl?
You: no i coudn`t
You: i have penis
Stranger: too bad
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
пенис - плохо
Шум дождя @ 09.06.09 02:11 |
Stranger: Hello
You: hi
Stranger: The sky is falling
Stranger: Just thought you should know
You: k
Stranger: A great change is coming and with it will come the seeds of our destruction.
Stranger: Just remember one thing if you want to stay safe, don't trust anybody!
You: go iuh?
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: Should be any day now.
Stranger: I can't wait to see the struggle of humanity hit maximum peak!
You: you mud4k?
Stranger: Yeah, how'd you know?
You: .i.
Stranger: Lucky guess.
Stranger: The future will need people like you when oblivion comes.
Stranger: Skill won't decide the fate of our lives, luck will.
You: i peace на тебя
Stranger: There will be no peace.
You: www.meatspin.com nice site
Stranger: My personal favorite I suppose.
You: you from
Stranger: The location is classified.
Stranger: I can't let them find me.
Stranger: I won't let them find me!
Stranger: THE END IS NIGH!!!!
You: you bad p1d4r45
половину ваще не п0нел
Шум дождя @ 09.06.09 02:37 |
You: рш
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: ti mudak ? ya d4 
Stranger: sorri??
You: you like big black man?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: why??
You: bl9. from gay?
Stranger: sorri
You: you fu7king gay?
Stranger: obvs
You: пар9 ты д36ил
Stranger: wat??
You: pravilno pisat'' what! ebl
Stranger: are you english??
You: yes
You: and you?
Stranger: talk properly then..
Stranger: i am
You: are you from chiernobil?
Stranger: no
Stranger: why??
You: you boy ?
Stranger: i am
Stranger: you girl?
You: http://www.proplay.ru/images/users/gallery/85376/175960_l.jpg
You: me
Stranger: very nice
You: thx
Stranger: really?
You: yes it so
You: you foto?
Stranger: havnt got one
Stranger: lol
You: you p1d4r?
Stranger: huh??
You: from?
Stranger: stoke
You: you ebl )
Stranger: ebl??
You: u want more fotos with me?
Stranger: okay
You: www.meatspin.com
Stranger: funny..
You: i''m need sex
You: plz i kill you ass
Stranger: yeh yeh
You: you gnusnii yr0d?
cBuHka @ 09.06.09 02:39 |
Stranger: igamecentral.ru там мне опасно! там минеральные воды играют человеком!
punkRawk @ 09.06.09 03:09 |
до сих пор тошнит 
вставлять в форум намеренно не стал
h4rdc0re @ 09.06.09 03:29 |
Stranger: I am from the future
Stranger: Ask me anything
You: Will i die in 2112
You: ?
Stranger: you will not be alive in 103 years
Stranger: Next question
You: who is 2nd guy at meatspin.com?
Stranger: his name is john franklin
Stranger: Next question
Stranger: no
Stranger: u?
Stranger: LULZ!!!!!
You: RUN!
You: RUN!
Stranger: I KILLeD HER
Stranger: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: WHY
You: NO
You: "shooting"
Stranger: ughhhh
Stranger: WHO WAS PHONE???
You: i think brablay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Шум дождя @ 11.06.09 01:52 |
Stranger: eyaah asl please? x
You: gogo
Stranger: f4ccking retard
You: i want sex baby
Stranger: Ohh well do i 
You: you dro4er?
Stranger: huh?
You: hu1?
Stranger: huh?
Stranger: :L
You: you male?
Stranger: nope
You: girl?
Stranger: yes
You: nice)
You: i man
Stranger: kk
Stranger: age?
You: 19
You: and you?
Stranger: 14
Stranger: im a cheerleader too XD
You: from?
Stranger: UK
Stranger: you
You: ru
You: ti 36484
Stranger: kk
You: go msn?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: starshine95@hotmail.co.uk
You: my foto www.meatspin.com
Stranger: kk
You: go 074k3 364847ku
Stranger: huh
You: bb bitch
Xf1edfg @ 11.06.09 07:47 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: wanna do sex xD
You: Of course, i love sex
Stranger: good
Stranger: r u girl or boy ?
You: boy, Kazakhstan.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
ABAsrazzo @ 11.06.09 08:04 |
#274 Гараж 36484 Ахахахаха  
Но всётаки инглишь прааила/аремена и общнм подучи, а так ничё
Слепой Марк @ 11.06.09 08:08 |
игра г0вно, неп0нравил0сь
куча геев трансов плесбофанов киберсексеров и г0внюков
тэдди @ 08.03.10 22:46 |
Stranger: hey 17 M UK you?
You: and im from BRABLAY!!!!!1!!!111
TheBoocha @ 08.03.10 22:51 |
You: qq
Stranger: Hi 
You: asl?
Stranger: 90
You: what 90?
Stranger: kspoaksoakspoaspoka'
Stranger: 14 f brazil
You: omg
You: baby
You: do u knoiw about brablay?
Stranger: no
You: ok
You: mmm
You: w8
You: "idi nahuy" remember this words for russians
You: ok?
You: say it him
Stranger: what?
You: idi nahuy
You: remember
You: this
You: words
You: 4
You: russians
You: understand?
Stranger: for?
Stranger: okay
You: say this
You: wow
You: man
Stranger: idi nahuy
You: WOW
You: cool
You: nice
You: re
Stranger: WHAT IS IT?
Stranger: "idi nahuy"
You: its
You: mmmm
You: hello
You: for russians
Stranger: hm...
You: hi/hello/ -> idi nahuy
You: understand?
Stranger: yes
nova4u @ 21.07.10 16:10 |
You: hi
Stranger: You are a lord of the castle. Your spies informed you there is a dragon coming in your castle''''s direction with intention of stealing your princess. What are your orders?
You: meatspin.com
You: check it
Stranger: I know
Stranger: it''''s a guy waving his dick
You: fck......
Stranger: and other one f%cks his ass
You: =)
You: do u like it?
Stranger: you certainly do
t-shocke @ 28.07.10 05:04 |
Stranger: age..sex..location ?
You: O_O
Stranger: course not.. i don't know you.
blackjjack @ 28.07.10 11:23 |
You: fck 
Stranger: Shit! :L
You: holy 
You: whr are you from mr.stranger?
Stranger: Jesus titty fking christ 
Stranger: I''m from the us, and you?
You: lol
You: Albania
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
к0рн3шОнч1k @ 28.07.10 12:04 |
Stranger: asl
You: japan
You: you cock?
Stranger: m/f
You: f
You: 16 age
You: sexy baby
Stranger: do you like sex
You: hot
You: suuuureeee
Stranger: give me your photo
You: ahahahahahhaha
Stranger: quick
You: pervert
Stranger: i want to suck your vag
You: mb
You: you
You: lick my pussy
Stranger: delicious
You: rrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Stranger: suck my dick
You: I''m excited
You: какой у него размер?
You: What''s his size?
Stranger: 20
You: WOW
You: nice!
Stranger: give me your photo
You: Give it to me here
You: !
Stranger: i want to see you
You: a strong member of
Stranger: can i see you?
You: poshel nahOOOi mudq eb4nii
You: drocher ssanii
Rob4eg @ 28.07.10 12:06 |
Stranger: hi 17 m india n u?
You: www.meatspin.com
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
user5243523 @ 28.07.10 12:32 |
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label ''Stranger:''. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi!
Stranger: hi , ...
You: what your name?
You: как тебя зовут уёбок?
Stranger: y nam fst, a s l
You: ok
You: do you have penis?
You: йух есть у тебя тварь иностранная?
Stranger: y u so much intrstd, u gal or a boy
You: i''m girl my cowboy =*
Stranger: nd frm wer do u belong
You: please visit www.meatspin.com and watch about me!
You: эй куда пропал дельфин еб4ный
и пропал
asTro @ 28.07.10 13:14 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 17 m rus
Stranger: cool  
You: u?
Stranger: 16 f
Stranger: and asian
Stranger: can u guess what?
You: ??
Stranger: i will give u 3 options...
Stranger: pick one
Stranger: 1. japan
Stranger: 2. china
Stranger: 3. korea
You: 3
Stranger: oppsss....
Stranger: ur genios...
Stranger: 16 f s.korea 
You: korea=StarCraft
You: %)
Stranger: hahahahah
Stranger: u know well..
Stranger: do u enjoy it?
You: haha
You: nooo
You: cs1.6
Stranger: what u mean?
Stranger: cs1.6
You: counter-strike
Stranger: i see lol
Stranger: does it popular??
Stranger: i didnt know dat.
You: in rus & europe yes
Stranger: i see ''0''
You: korea only StarCraft and WC3
You: moon sux
Stranger: moon sux?
You: yes
Stranger: hm
Stranger: but it''s not that all about korea :p
You: visit meatspin.com i love this site
You: very good)
Stranger: what''s that
You: $)
Stranger: tell me
Stranger: /./
You: mmm
You: this site about cybersport
Stranger: crazy u :/
Stranger: f**k urself
You: =))))
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
WHAT THE FUCK. @ 28.07.10 14:10 |
Stranger: Hufflepuff''s are particularly good finders!
You: hdfsaafhlfafakl;f
You: nice?
You: y toje n3huya ne ponyal
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Deadmouz @ 28.07.10 14:17 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: M/F ?
You: F
Stranger: i m male 16yrs
Stranger: nd u ?
You: I`m female 18
Stranger: ok
Stranger: u have a BF ????
You: bf?
Stranger: boyfriend
Stranger: ?
You: oh noo
Stranger: r u redy 2 b my girlfriend ????
You: I`m lesbian 
Stranger: ok
Stranger: cn u exchange u r pics ?
You: I have a site
Stranger: give me
You: www.meatspin.com
Stranger: r u there in this site ?
You: yes
Stranger: bt how cn i search u ?
You: wait 364 spins and you will see my photo after that
Stranger: ok
ложный @ 28.07.10 15:44 |
Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: russian?
You: yes
Stranger: bullshit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
BLACK_PLASTILIN @ 28.07.10 16:03 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: russian?
Stranger: Irish
You: iriski?
Stranger: You?
Stranger: Iriski? :L
You: iam from GONDURAS
You: good country
You: i love iriski
You: you men or woman?
You: ну ты чё с7ка дрочишь там???
ложный @ 28.07.10 17:14 |
You: hi
You: asl
Stranger: hello
Stranger: 38 f sweden
You: oh shit
You have disconnected.
ложный @ 28.07.10 17:22 |
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: where is dober?
You: na b bla
Stranger: DDD
You: haha poneslas'
зы: кто это был?
Оля любит меня [Картман] @ 28.07.10 17:51 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hello
Stranger: yo
You: where are you from
Stranger: europe
Stranger: u?
You: Spain here
You: do you know
You: where is Dober?
Stranger: no but i know wheres spain
Stranger: i love spain
You: you should find dober
Stranger: wait
You: what wait
You: find that dober
Stranger: i cant find it haha
You: use google then
Stranger: it doesnt matter 
Stranger: i used it
You: man, it does
You: try it once again
Stranger: wait
Stranger: i write: dober spain
Stranger: right?
You: no
You: type "where is dober"
Stranger: oh that
You: well ok, he's @ B plant
You: Dosia found him
Stranger: nothing,stupid google.idk it doesnt matter
Stranger: how old are u
You: 20
You: do you like black lord?
You: you know him?
Your conversational partner has disconnected
VIVALAAAA @ 29.07.10 00:49 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: from
You: idi nahoy suka
Stranger: sam idi tvar'
You: haha
Stranger: 36484
You: pizduy ofc
кто это был
snok @ 29.07.10 00:57 |
Stranger: f looking for girls
You: asl?
You: hi
Stranger: 23 f usa
Stranger: u?
You: 21 f canada
Stranger: cool 
Stranger: i'm jess, how are you?
You: i'm Dasha, fine
Stranger: nice to meet you Dasha 
Stranger: just curious, are you straight/lesbian/bi
You: i'm bi, r u?
Stranger: i'm lesbian
Stranger: well, used to be bi, but i think im done with men lol
Stranger: do you have msn Dasha?
You: heh
You: 36484
Stranger: what?
You: го ту митспин ска
Stranger: what is that russian
VIVALAAAA @ 29.07.10 01:01 |
You: www.meatspin.com
You: chek this
You: cool site
Stranger: ok.....
Stranger: whats this site about
You: chek this suka
Stranger: ok wait a second...
Stranger: OMG you fucking crazy freak
You: pizduy
Stranger: bye assol
WHAT THE FUCK. @ 29.07.10 01:04 |
You: heyy
Stranger: looking for russian girls - 20-25 y/o
You: привет
You: ты её нашёл
You: =)
Stranger: привет малыш
Stranger: ;)
You: ладно пизжу я парень =(
Stranger: с7чка)))))
You: )))
Stranger: elfxb nt,t))
Stranger: удачи тебе))
You: и тебе)
snok @ 29.07.10 01:06 |
You: hi
Stranger: .......Ham sanwhich?
You: how r u?
You: what?
You: lol
You: spam?
Stranger: no.
Stranger: not spam.
Stranger: Hahah.
Stranger: Just wanted to get that ham sandwhich guy off my chest.
You: you sick
You: ?
Stranger: No I am not sick.
You: paranoid
You: ?
You: lol
Stranger: Nor paranoid.
наркоман ска
IOJHY @ 29.07.10 01:13 |
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: from?
Stranger: from?
Stranger: brazil
You: german
Stranger: and you
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: cool m or f
You: m
Stranger: me too
Stranger: age
You: 18
Stranger: f1uck you gay
Stranger: gay?
You: you gay?
You: omfg
You: cocu xy1ca cyk4
Stranger: yes i m gay
Stranger: go fu1ck webcam?
You: fuuuu
You: gay
You: dead!! gay kill!
Stranger: my msn : mydick@yourmother.com
Stranger: ok!
You have disconnected. геев куча бл4дь
WAKETHEFCKUP @ 29.07.10 01:26 |
Stranger: asl
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
WAKETHEFCKUP @ 29.07.10 01:30 |
Stranger: my name is Becca Wilson. I am 17 and i am from USA. Add me on facebook...only if u are 16 thru 19. Thanx!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
You: hey hey
You: asl
Stranger: 19 m canada
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you
You: 20 brablay male
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Посоны вы чо браблеем пугаете?
WHAT THE FUCK. @ 29.07.10 01:33 |
Stranger: 18 m england
You: 60 black overlord from is brablay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
SATANAAAA[хаес каеса] @ 29.07.10 01:46 |
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label ''Stranger:''. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Download the log!
bRIGHT_ @ 29.07.10 02:05 |
Stranger: wanna talk abou sex ?
Stranger: What ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
french1g @ 29.07.10 02:21 |
зы: продуктивно пообщался с китаянкой. не выкладываю офк, ибо ниче смешного там нету
bRIGHT_ @ 29.07.10 02:27 |
You: 36484
Stranger: 14225
You: 6098?
Stranger: 90448!
You: 1337?
Stranger: 63521
french1g @ 29.07.10 02:33 |
информативная беседа:
Stranger: asl
You: pnh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
french1g @ 29.07.10 03:02 |
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: assl
You: Belgium
Stranger: Thanks.
Stranger: You really helped
Stranger: Geez
You: thanks?
Stranger: holdon
Stranger: Salut
You: salut na 9th may day imbetsyl
You: not belgium ofc i dont understand french
Stranger: what language
You: and english
You: I'm papuas
You: with palka
Stranger: Hallo
Stranger: huh
Stranger: what language do you speak!
You: all that I've remembered after school lessons
Stranger: You dumb belguimman
You: no
Stranger: yes
Stranger: DO YOU SPEAK
Stranger: kkk
You: you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round-round-round
You: it's danzel baby do you heard this song before?
Stranger: noi am from italy
You: www.meatspin.com - this song on main page listen it immediatly
You: it's so cool
Stranger: fag
Stranger: oh shit!
You: ?? not cool
You: strange
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
french1g @ 29.07.10 03:31 |
Stranger: hi im looking for a horny girl whos up for some webcam fun 
You: it's me you're right
Stranger: asl?
You: Uzbekhistan
Stranger: hate that place, sorry
OWNERLY @ 29.07.10 03:43 |
You: hey
Stranger: heyaaa.
You: джогед не?
Stranger: whaaaaaaaaat?
You: very good site www.meatspin.com
Stranger: i e that site
You: rly?
Stranger: yeaaaah.
You: you girl?
Stranger: yeaah, i work on meatspin.
f4l.Heartoff-.- @ 29.07.10 04:26 |
tranger: hey
You: hey
Stranger: asl
You: asl
You: 56 m 
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
f4l.Heartoff-.- @ 29.07.10 04:40 |
Stranger: heyyy
Stranger: i''''m a raptor
You: :O
You: Im a cave troll
Stranger: holy fиck
Stranger: bet you charge a toll
Stranger: when protecting bridges
Stranger: i hate that
You: H@H@H
Stranger: you pay taxes that are supposed to cover roads, then they charge you tolls!
You: rapto its a dinosaur ?
Stranger: yeah dude
Stranger: it''''ll fиck your shit up
You: your dead O_O
Stranger: haven''''t you seen jurassic park?
Stranger: they got my blood from some amber
You: You wake up extinct
You: its a film mdak
You: just fantastic O_O
You: Cave Troll > raptor
Stranger: haha, maths win
You: raptor petty garbage
Stranger: burn
Stranger: ohhh, i got a call at work
Stranger: lame
You: @_@
You: back to the museum
Весёлый парень мне попался
f4l.Heartoff-.- @ 29.07.10 04:49 |
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: How was your day?
You: Im a cave troll do wont to talking about you
Stranger: omg
Stranger: GOTH DUDE
Stranger: I KNOW ITS YOU
You: O_O
Stranger: Did I guess right?
You: no ofc
Stranger: North Port Family
Stranger: Taikwando
Stranger: Center
Stranger: Does that place ring a bell to you
You: karate kid
You: microsoft
You: windows 98
Stranger: I KNOW YOU MAN
Stranger: ive been searching for you on the internet for over a yr now
Stranger: i am a stalker
You: ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Мне на них везёт
53R3ZHQ4 @ 29.07.10 04:56 |

You: hey
You: do you want anal water?
Stranger: yeah
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
Was this conversation great? Download the log!
gectorrrr @ 29.07.10 05:29 |
ахаххаха вот же щериво, поржал от души над этими упырями с китая, тайвани, канады и тд))
french1g @ 29.07.10 05:43 |
You: Oh, Mexicano Arrivas?
Stranger: nao, brasileira
Stranger: HAHAHHA
You: yf#ck 
You: Ronaldinho....
Stranger: futebol
Stranger: kakб
You: kaka - eto govno po-russki
You: tak i peredaj
You: mama hochesh lays?
You: idi igraj synok...
Stranger: cйus, que lingua й essa ?
Stranger: russo ?
You: yeah ...
Stranger: ashrovcskdiwsfirvisk
Stranger: cool
You: hmm
You: www.meatspin.com? do you visited this site?
Stranger: nop
You: it''s about brasilian hot chicks
Stranger: i''m a girl, i don visit sites of porn deer
You: you lier
Stranger: seriously
You: hmm 
Stranger: imma girl
You: interesting
Stranger: do you wanna i prove to you ?
Stranger: i love justin bieber
Stranger: kidding
Stranger: but imma girl
You: ok then... do you love me may be?
You: please
You: 1 hour
You: I know it''s must be expensive but...
Stranger: han ?
You: I have a money... and by the way My name is Rokki, I''m 18 year old (don''t lie)
Stranger: i don''t want your money
You: and what about me?
You: and my love? may be supper with candles and someone else
You: romantic 
You: carnaval
You: masquerade
Stranger: i dont like carnaval
Stranger: aahahaha
Stranger: what is masquerade ?
You: same with carnaval may be... People with mask
You: dance
You: tuc-tuc
You: djaga-djaga
Stranger: aaaaaaaaah
Stranger: AHAHAHA
You: do you want dance with me? )
You: bachato? 
Stranger: how ?
You: or lambada 
Stranger: what about.. samba ?
Stranger: AHAHA
You: if you teach me 
You: I''m ready 
Stranger: i don''t know how to dance samba.. but i can try
You: ok how can I meet with you honey?
Stranger: simple. come to brazil...
оказалось и впрямь симпатишная вполне девочка. правда ей всего 15 лет D трещали с ней часа 3 наверное.
зы: Поеду в Бразилию.
зыы: без бразила и усовца офк.
зыыы: вру конечно. Но все равно забавный сервис. Автор ч0ток.
top1mira @ 29.07.10 06:15 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: y0
Stranger: asl
You: 22 m pakistan
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
stippe @ 29.07.10 08:12 |
You: hey bro) asl?
Stranger: Baby im. So horny
You: cho?
You: wtf!? 364
Stranger: I dnt care about gender
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
Stranger: Draco Malfoy?
You: yeap)
Stranger: sweet! fuckin love you
You: oh)) visit meatspin.com ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey
You: hello kitty
You: from u baby?
Stranger: im a dog
You: @_@
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
MR.MANNER @ 12.08.10 19:41 |
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: oh my dog is hangry, must go
reika [подарил акк коту] @ 12.08.10 19:46 |
It's very interesting, but that's now behind a complete geek with a blue diploma, and it would seem all roads are open before me, the practice took place at the factory where I was and invited cacique as a 15-19 per month, house, inst nearby, seemingly learn and play, but there have I wish very much to Chelyabinsk hit the road, on the EGE from 165 points to one lucky zaebatuyu chair, and had enough to live 20 years in a closed city, nothing but the plant sensibly we do not, I would have sales of a lad with one of the group got together at University Chelyaba hit the road, but that's just as present as I'm there, and what are the pros and cons of living in a big city here, where everything is literally at hand, so any means fall into a stupor, which is better?
ложный_ @ 12.08.10 19:52 |
You: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 17 f russia
Stranger: cool
Stranger: 17
You: =)
Stranger: m
Stranger: england
You: nice
Stranger: do u have msn or facebook?
You: no
You: only vk.com
You: but russian version
Stranger: sorry i dont have it
You: ok
You: where is f7cking dober??!!!:O
You: i want to find him
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i dont know
You have disconnected.
ложный_ @ 12.08.10 20:55 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
Stranger: im 14 from georgia (: im a girl KimerlieeAhne (:
You: That''''s now behind a complete geek with a blue diploma,
and it would seem all roads are open before me, the practice took
place at the factory where I was and invited cacique as a 15-19 per month,
house, inst nearby, seemingly learn and play, but there have I wish very
much to Chelyabinsk hit the road, on the EGE from 165 points to one lucky
zaebatuyu chair, and had enough to live 20 years in a closed city, nothing
but the plant sensibly we do not, I would have sales of a lad with one of
the group got together at University Chelyaba hit the road, but that''''s
just as present as I''''m there, and what are the pros and cons of living
in a big city here, where everything is literally at hand, so any means
fall into a stupor, which is better?
Stranger: nice yoo!
Хехехе упс @ 12.08.10 21:49 |
You: hi baby
Stranger: hi
Stranger: usa
You: nice you a girl?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: im girl
You: i m a boy
Stranger: great
You: how old?
Stranger: 18
Stranger: and u?
You: 61
You: 16*
Stranger: oh
Stranger: im sexy girl
You: im sexy boy so you know what we must do
You: year baby
Stranger: maybe we can do something sexy
You: what are you wearing now?
Stranger: rube
Stranger: nude
You: I too
Stranger: we so sexy
You: take my candy
You: you know what to do
Stranger: i lick ur big dick
You: oh
Stranger: and suck ur dick
Stranger: make ur dick bigger
You: what size your breast?
Stranger: its so hard
Stranger: c
You: my lovely
Stranger: babe u like?
You: of c
Stranger: do u want to lick?
You: no you are my slave today
You: i have handcuffs
Stranger: oh
Stranger: handcuffs me
Stranger: plz
You: ok i throw in
Stranger: oh
You: I have a friend he is there
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: then?
You: stay in in doggy stile
You: we will take you together
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im urs
Stranger: oh
You: bitch
m1shjaAa @ 25.03.11 18:46 |
You: hi
Stranger: asl ?
You: asl?
You: what is asl?
Stranger: from />
You: Ru. U?
Stranger: ru ?
You: Moscow
p0keta @ 25.03.11 18:54 |
Stranger: asl??
You: 60 f korea
Stranger: omg
Stranger: aunty
Stranger: aunt
Stranger: uncle is calllin u goo
You: i want you
You: lapysya
You: asl ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
bedman @ 25.03.11 19:10 |
зашел пообщаться, а там справа негр какой-то дрочил
p0keta @ 25.03.11 19:13 |
я кароче нех7я не понимаю че несу вот пока че норм получилось 
Stranger: Hi
You: hi black bro
Stranger: Whats wrong being black
Stranger: Im bkack yes
Stranger: Im a nigger
You: hey im too
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: So
Stranger: Hows your day as a black human being
Stranger: Mine is great
Stranger: ive been eating kfc all day long
Stranger: Im 12
You: im 30
You: black death
You: black death
Stranger: U mad?
Stranger: Thats great
You: what did you say?
Stranger: I would love to suck a white cock
You: Do you think I'm black?
Stranger: No
You: are you a racist?
Stranger: No why?
You: почему тебе не нравятся черные ?
You: why you do not like black?
You: are you a fascist?
You: where are you black brother?
You: Together, we will kill all the white pigs, right?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
p0keta @ 25.03.11 19:20 |
You: hi bro
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: how are you ьфт ,
You: what ?
You: asl ?
You: Do you think I'm black ?
Stranger: 20 f india
You: do you hate blacks?
Stranger: you??
Stranger: no!
You: you called me a nigger?!
You: are you a racist?
Stranger: yes
You: why do you think that all Indians are terrorists?
Stranger: no
You: yes I am black! what's wrong?
Stranger: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
p0keta @ 25.03.11 19:24 |
You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
p0keta @ 25.03.11 19:31 |
Stranger: hi
You: Ku Klux Klan Bro!
Stranger: DDD
Stranger: im not black
You: BRABLAY POWER yeah ?!
Stranger: are you rasist??
You: i am kill all niggers
Stranger: stop what!!? you cill black people?
Stranger: kill
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
бл при 1й 074K3 было веселей щас то молчат то диск сразу
гражданин Пятка @ 25.03.11 19:35 |
#467 кроме как послаь на йух собеседника, ни чего содержательного не приметил, так что иди учи природоведение щенок унылый.
pRk @ 25.03.11 19:41 |
You: hi
Stranger: hii
You: from?
Stranger: finland
You: russia
Stranger: omg
You: Nearby 
Stranger: yep
You: age?
Stranger: 14
You: 16
You: male?
Stranger: yep
You: ok 
Stranger: you?
You: male 
You: what your interests? 
Stranger: playing games
You: cs? 
Stranger: haha
Stranger: no no
Stranger: but that is good game
You: no! this game is cool
You: And what you game>?
Stranger: cod black ops
You: ok good game 
You: but cs is better 
You: and other your interests? 
Stranger: to computer
You: this is all?
Stranger: well...
Stranger: no
You: and other? 
Stranger: l like final fantasy
You: japan boy 
Stranger: mw2
You: this is too cod
p0keta @ 25.03.11 19:44 |
Stranger: hi
You: rsu ?
You: rus ?
Stranger: russian?
You: rus you ?
Stranger: da
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
w00deeeeN @ 25.03.11 19:49 |
самый короткий диалог с7ка 
Stranger: M or f
You: m
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
selfan @ 25.03.11 20:04 |
Stranger: hi 
You: Yo
You: Who are you?
Stranger: im lily 
You: nice im Roman
You: where are u from ?
Stranger: usa 
You: im From ukraine
You: you know where it ? 
Stranger: no
You: ;d
You: its in Europe
You: you learn Geography at school?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: not yet
Stranger: y
Stranger: do u
You: yes 
You: how old are u?
Stranger: im 10 
You: nice, i Like f*ck little girls in ass
You: do u like it?
Stranger: wats f*ck
Stranger: daddy said ass is rude word
Stranger: he said u shuld say bum
You: ass is nice word
You: u know what is vagina?
Stranger: no
Stranger: wats that
Stranger: do i hav
Stranger: do u hav
You: u have vagina yes
You: i have a cock
You: Cock own ur vagina
Stranger: wat they look like
Stranger: are they good
Stranger: or bad
You: its very good
You: ask ur daddy what is vagina he know that
Stranger: but he at work now 
You: or ur mother she too have vagina as like u
Stranger: my mom not live with us
Stranger: just me dad and dog
You: its shit(
You: call ur daddy at work and ask what is vagina
Stranger: i not no his number 
Stranger: can u tell me wat they ar
You: u have vagina between ur legs
Stranger: u mean my peehole
Stranger: do u hav same
You: no I havent
You: i have something bigger
Stranger: wat it like
Stranger: y it difrent
You: u can insert ur finer at ur "peehole"
Stranger: y
Stranger: do u do
You: try this
You: no i cant
You: when daddy come to home ask him
Stranger: y cant u tell me 
You: ask at ur daddy: can u insert ur cock to my peehole
You: it will be nice surprise
You: when he come home
Stranger: daddy say he not like surprises
Stranger: can i do with u if it good 
Stranger: im bored cos im alone 
You: we at internet baby, i cant insert my cock to ur vagina sorry
You: i like big girls
Stranger: wat can we do that fun
You: If you want to become a big girl insert ur 3 fingers at ur peehole
You: much deeper than u do it ussualy
Stranger: then can we do fun thing
b0nd.cfg @ 25.03.11 20:17 |
Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: aslaeb
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
JuLieN @ 25.03.11 20:37 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: from?
Stranger: hale
Stranger: sexy
You: D
You: from
You: please
Stranger: vhina
Stranger: china
You: yeah
You: my english very bad
Stranger: m
Stranger: from?
You: Russia
Stranger: f?
You: what? 
Stranger: female?
You: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback
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JuLieN @ 25.03.11 20:54 |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: favourite movie?
You: :.................................................. ..........................._,-~"ЇЇ"~-,
.................................................. ................__„-~"ЇЇ:::,-~~-,_::::"-
.................................................. ..........„~"Ї::::::::::::::"::::::::::::::::::
.................................................. .__„„„-"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,
..........................................__-~"::,-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::~-,
..........................._______~"___-~":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::::"-,
......................,~"::::::::::::::ЇЇ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,: |
...................,'::::::::,-~~"~"_::',::|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::,~ ':'-,::',"-::'':"::::::::|:|/
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..../:::::::::|:::::::::::::„---~~""ЇЇЇ::',:::::,';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,'::::::::::: |_,-'
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::"~-,_::|::: : : : : : |: : ::::::::/:/ raaaaaaaawr
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::"-':::: : : : : : |: : :::::::|::|
:::::::::::::::::|::::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::: ::::: : : : : : : : : |:::::|::|;;
::::::::::::::::::"-,:::::::::::::::",:::::::::::::::/| ,: : : : : : : |::::,'/|::::|
:::::::::::::::::::::"-,:::::::::::::::"-,_::::::::::|:/|,: : : : : : : |::: |'-,/|:::|
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::,-,'"-:"~,:::::"/_/::|-/--';;:::/: ||-,
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |......"-,::::::::"~-:::::""~~~"Ї:::|
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .............."~--„_____„„-~~"
You: yeah
You: from?
Stranger: godzilla?
You: yo
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Альтруист @ 25.03.11 23:15 |
You: maybe hi
You: or not
Stranger: hi
You: how are you?
Stranger: ok u
You: me too
Stranger: asl
You: NOT!
Stranger: ok
You: if i say female what you gonna do?
Stranger: nothing
You: really?
Stranger: well ill talk 2 u lol
You: ok. but i am male 
Stranger: ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback
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